
Select a small viscosity and low pour point oil in winter

In late autumn, vehicle maintenance is   Ford Ids Vcm  essential. If you do not do maintenance in the car before winter, will have very serious wear and tear, which is equivalent to run more than a few years of wear and tear under normal maintenance. How to choose the right lubricant products for the car?
  Lubricant products in the case of low temperatures become thicker, reduced mobility, achieve longer needs to be lubricated parts, causing the vehicle difficult to activate and wear increase. The autumn and winter season, the best choice for lubricants with low pour point of the base oil viscosity of filial piety fall and winter temperatures dropped significantly, ordinary products, so as to continue to bring the car engine lubrication.
Summer and winter generic oil as the engine of choice. Lubricants First, the choice of using too advanced oil, nor can a lower level of oil use the higher choice recommended by the manufacturer on the basis of the rise, or use synthetic oil better performance.
 The engine play better protective effect. Universal oil. Universal Secondly, should try to choose a summer and winter oil no matter how temperature changes can maintain a stable lubricating properties,
    Faster flow of the lubricant, reducing wear at startup. The condition of the engine choice. If the engine again, depending on a new or in good condition as far as possible to use the low viscosity of the oil, such as 0W-40, 5W-40 and 10W-40, etc., so that the engine has been worn to a certain extent, it is necessary to choice high viscosity of the oil, such as 15W-50, etc., so that is conducive to the formation of thicker oil film to maintain the pressure of oil and reduce oil consumption. Finally, if it is not too much in the hot season or add the amount.
 Lubricants, must remain slightly below the oil dipstick up to the maximum level is appropriate; Also master oil Model season oil change, engine oil too much, will increase the the crankshaft rotational resistance, reducing the amount of engine oil to add and not better. If the output power, as well as those of excessive oil jump into the combustion chamber, causing the vehicle to burn the oil, take the blue smoke that increased fuel consumption. Oil combustion residues may accumulate in the combustion chamber walls, to reduce the combustion chamber space, thereby reducing the compression ratio of the engine; same time, also to accelerate the wear of the cylinder and piston, thereby reducing the life of the vehicle. So add performance and many other factors.
    Lubricant without additives
    The lubricants Original cleaning and abrasion function, but it will also increase the sludge and coke,  bmw ops contains a unique anti-wear additives affect the engine lubricating oil, 50% higher abrasion resistance by test than APISM standard. Based on add anti-wear additives, anti-wear properties may improve slightly, but is more likely to occur is that the anti-wear additives and lubricants lubricating oil additive. Because the lubricants Generally, we do not recommend in itself constitute a part of the base oil and additives, the formula has been a variety of testing and screening dizzy additive could backfire. For example, the Great Wall of additives to produce a chemical reaction, not only to reduce the performance and service life.
Filter paper can distinguish the pros and cons
    Lubricants pros and cons, generally pay attention to a few points: The first is to observe. Oil if clear, yellow-brown, the better its quality; colors muddy or emulsion, the water content is more; such as oil, premature oxidation or mixed with other oil burning smell. The second is to see if there is a precipitate. The third is the oil drops on the plate or the exhaust pipe above 110 ℃, such as crackles oil containing moisture. The fourth is the drops of oil on the filter, map control using the spot method. Under normal circumstances, the quality of the oil should be maintained suitable viscosity, and resistance, oxidation stability, wear resistance and  autocom cdp corrosion resistance.

