
How do experts think of car modification

Many consumers like to own car elaborately decorated, it is not only beautiful beautiful embodies the personal style, but also more convenient and practical. Car decoration, however, related to the safety performance of vehicles, vehicle modification may be greater security. Therefore, consumers making car decoration or modified, should fully understand its impact on safety performance.
A common automotive exterior decorationThe automotive appearance of decorative or protective measures can be based on the specific circumstances of the individual to do the following options:
1. In addition to the wax opening: a new car factory, the shell has a layer of protective film, so your new car should go to the professional automotive beauty center in addition to the wax open light, so that it restore the beautiful charming style.
2. Enamelled body: car appearance like a person's appearance, the new car with the appearance of a period of time will be black, darkened. New car with the "glaze" paint wrapped and isolated from the outside world, also do waxing.
3. Sealed plastic chassis: it will be a high adhesion, high elastic rubber resin twice sprayed on a car chassis, reducing the intensity of the impact of the sand and gravel, can play the role of corrosion, rust, noise, resist The strong winter snow and deicing salt corrosion is more effective.
4. Body color and body frame change: the need to pay the HKMA 6 Vehicle Administration Branch, after the vehicle confirmed that the consent of the Vehicle Administration branch, can change. Vehicle Administration branch to change after change the nature of the use of engines and vehicles can register the change.
If you want to apply for a change of body color, changes the chassis Vehicle Administration branch owners can fill out the "motor vehicle to change the registration application form, submit legal certificate, the certificate (including: changes before and after the change of the identity of the owner of the vehicle ; motor vehicle registration certificate; driving permit; common to all of the notarization, but belong to both spouses all the available residence booklet). Vehicle Administration will one day from the date of acceptance of the application made to grant or not to change the decision. For consent to a change, the owner shall, within 10 days after the change Vehicle Administration inspection vehicles. One day from the date of acceptance of the Vehicle Administration where confirmation motor vehicle, to recover the original driving permit re-issuance of driving license. Belongs changes the chassis should also check the vehicle identification number (frame number) rubbing film, the proof of the origins of the storage body or frame.
Should pay attention to in car interiors
Deal with the start of the new car we should start considering interior windows affixed to the new car window film for both insulation and watertight explosion-proof effect and not film and hanging curtains to differ materially. Car accessories some car perfume, car debris bags, cup holder, mobile phone holder, as well as other kinds of delicate trinkets.
Layout of car accessories, you should follow the four principles:
1. Safety: car accessories must not impede traffic safety, such as the car at the top of hanging material should not be too long, too big, too heavy, the ornaments on the rear windshield not affect reversing sight.
2. Practical: select fully reflects the personality of a delicate, beautiful jewelry, as much as possible according to the size of the interior space, optional practical accessories such as cup holder, perfume bottles, boxes.
3. Tidy: jewelry should clean sanitation, proper place, giving a relaxed, comfortable feeling.
4. Coordination: the color of the jewelry must be coordinated and the color of the car, not the blind pursuit of high-grade, high-priced things, in order to avoid self-defeating.
5. Comfort: the color and texture of the car accessories to meet the aesthetic taste of the owners of the perfume to be fresh, should not be too strong.


