
Valve umbrella intake pressure relief valve launch x431 gx3

For turbine engines, the pressure relief valve  launch x431 gx3   is very  necessary components, the pressure relief valve is actually a protective device, can play a role to protect the engine and turbine. When the speed increases, the exhaust gas to promote the rotation of the turbine blades, the turbine will be a steady stream of compressed air for the engine supply. Then if a throttle, throttle immediately shut down, but the turbine continues to rotate due to inertial motion, means that the turbine will continue to produce compressed air. Like the GT-R, this high pressurized high-powered cars, fast air velocity pressure is too large, it is easy to cause damage of the throttle. Intake pressure relief valve on the throttle to play a role in protection. Close the throttle of the moment, the increase in pressure within the intake pipe pressure relief valve to open the top of the valve directly at the pressure relief valve to drain away the excess air, and so will be able to reduce the damage suffered by the throttle.

Intake air relief valve of the outer row of the formula is suitable for high supercharging value of performance models, which is characterized by the pressurized air directly discharged to the atmosphere, a greater pressure differential conducive gas emissions, the outer row design the pressure relief valve by the exhaust pressure is relatively small row design, work is also more stable. Efflux-type intake relief valve exhaust loud near metamorphosis ci ci exhaust sound, this unique sound received by the owner's favorite pursuit of performance.

The efflux type wastegate Name "wastegate", it is roughly the same, and the above-mentioned works within ROW ", is to reduce the pressure  
launch x431  of the exhaust end of the turbine, but the relief valve the feature is installed in the turbine before, to directly top open a valve of the high temperature exhaust gas is directly discharged into the atmosphere when the exhaust pressure is too large

