
Products and positioning contradiction - FAW Oulang market outlook

Last week, FAW Oulang, was officially put   Digimaster 3 in Changchun, FAW has confidence in the brand Oulang the future, as the models for the young audience in a future, but from the users of the message, we said that the car unlike the manufacturers want to, for example, the shape does not look good, PQ32 + platform is a Jetta platform upgrade and so on. Held by manufacturers and readers of these two opposing points of view, we can help you to clarify the following ideas together to explore, in the end who speak more rational to see Oulang car prospects in the future after the release of .Oulang the birth of history: reinvent the wheel brand official said, FAW Oulang models the internal codename for the A130. The first message indicates that the car will be vested in the Pentium's, and was named the Pentium B30. The spy photos of the A130 models is actually the end of 2009 has been formally exposed, but has not been officially released. , A130 models to the identity of the FAW GO concept car to debut until the 2011 Shanghai Auto Show. It can be said that after several years of development, this A130 final completion of the stereotypes.In the process of developing FAW Oulang car was an early adopter of the EA113 engine is the old Jetta engine, but the research found that younger age groups do not pay, and finally the application of independent research and development of ET1 1.5-liter engine instead. In addition, due to the young of the A130 car, a lower end positioning and prudent style Pentium brand is not the same, and go high-end positioning and future Pentium conflict (such as the future of the B90 is still Pentium brand). FAW ultimately gave up the name of the Pentium B30, the use of a new youth-oriented brand - Oulang as the attribution of this A130.
Modeling / audience: 80 really like this design? According to the official said the FAW Oulang a characteristic shape design young, four brand elements that reflect the brand Oulang "passion, vitality, fashion, sports," the future audience is young people after 80. Manufacturers on the shape of Oulang or very confident, but there are a lot of readers said the design of this model does not look good, there is no concept car look good. So the point of view of manufacturers and users of these two somewhat contradictory, how do we view it?
The shape of the car, we welcome everyone to come and comment. In the edit view, Oulang car looks angular more, but this angular shape and can not be said is that young people will like it, plus some unexpected in-control design, such modeling may also lose part of the audience . Today's 80, born in 1980 has been 32 years old 32 years old, most of those who have some savings, the car is more than the home, a large space-based, this Oulang so characteristic shape, too radical, not meet the requirements. If the audience is after 85, 85 have been exposed a lot of new things, old things objectionable. Although Oulang shape can not say ugly, but the mention of the old Jetta platform upgrade, edit randomly ask around friends, many will choose to buy a small car joint venture personality, not vote for this Oulang. 89 after 89 of the current, we can say just set foot on the job, the savings is not much, most of the yet to buy a car. As time goes on, the audience of 80 representatives of the word has a very wide, and have their own characteristics.
So all in all, from the appearance point of view, Oulang manufacturers are very optimistic about a shape in all message lost its shine. Oulang this car does not look like the manufacturers think the taste of young people. Or at least recover the shape of the concept car, we will be accepted.PQ32 + Platform: old bottles new wine FAW official said, FAW Oulang, was born in the PQ32 + platform, PQ32 platform that we are familiar with the old Jetta platform. Jetta has been up less than today's safety and comfort standards, the FAW of the platform a number of upgrades. The main upgrade in space, security, comfort, technology and more to meet today's standards and needs.Although there are a lot of upgrade on this platform, but comments from the users point of view, many users of the application PQ32 + platform negative attitude that to this day still the application is so old platform. Then the two arguments of the manufacturers and users, how do we view it? First of all, we know that domestic independent firms are generally not the ability of the overall development of a chassis, which is an objective reality. Although the engine and so we have made great strides, but the chassis more or purchase of foreign ready-made, or to invite foreign teams to help tuning.Oulang was born in the PQ32 platform, as a derivative of the platform, the first such to shorten Oulang development cycle, can also be significant savings in R & D costs. Useful for the FAW. At the same time as the doyen of the PQ32 platform, the Jetta can be won by the rugged reputation of the characteristics of the market, this is also good for consumers. This is the advantage of the old platform. But as the new brand in terms of Oulang, if copying the old PQ32 platform, it can only be a dead end, because Oulang and Jetta's brand and reputation advantage and competitors configuration behind the opponent, for The manufacturers do some upgrades, the main configuration brand.
From the manufacturers introduced, security, Oulang use two-way high-strength steel roll forming the overall closed-end bumper beams and integration throughout the floor stringers, as well as the use of four-wheel brake. 4 airbags, etc., from the security, the FAW this idea is worthy of recognition. While there is some comfort upgrade. While there are some upgrades, but we also have to say, this upgrade, after all, just PQ32 platform upgrade, you upgrade a 70-point platform, and then how to work hard also to 80 points. In other words, why do not you start standing 
Ford Ids Vcm height of 80 and then again increases?

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