
How do experts think of car modification

Many consumers like to own car elaborately decorated, it is not only beautiful beautiful embodies the personal style, but also more convenient and practical. Car decoration, however, related to the safety performance of vehicles, vehicle modification may be greater security. Therefore, consumers making car decoration or modified, should fully understand its impact on safety performance.
A common automotive exterior decorationThe automotive appearance of decorative or protective measures can be based on the specific circumstances of the individual to do the following options:
1. In addition to the wax opening: a new car factory, the shell has a layer of protective film, so your new car should go to the professional automotive beauty center in addition to the wax open light, so that it restore the beautiful charming style.
2. Enamelled body: car appearance like a person's appearance, the new car with the appearance of a period of time will be black, darkened. New car with the "glaze" paint wrapped and isolated from the outside world, also do waxing.
3. Sealed plastic chassis: it will be a high adhesion, high elastic rubber resin twice sprayed on a car chassis, reducing the intensity of the impact of the sand and gravel, can play the role of corrosion, rust, noise, resist The strong winter snow and deicing salt corrosion is more effective.
4. Body color and body frame change: the need to pay the HKMA 6 Vehicle Administration Branch, after the vehicle confirmed that the consent of the Vehicle Administration branch, can change. Vehicle Administration branch to change after change the nature of the use of engines and vehicles can register the change.
If you want to apply for a change of body color, changes the chassis Vehicle Administration branch owners can fill out the "motor vehicle to change the registration application form, submit legal certificate, the certificate (including: changes before and after the change of the identity of the owner of the vehicle ; motor vehicle registration certificate; driving permit; common to all of the notarization, but belong to both spouses all the available residence booklet). Vehicle Administration will one day from the date of acceptance of the application made to grant or not to change the decision. For consent to a change, the owner shall, within 10 days after the change Vehicle Administration inspection vehicles. One day from the date of acceptance of the Vehicle Administration where confirmation motor vehicle, to recover the original driving permit re-issuance of driving license. Belongs changes the chassis should also check the vehicle identification number (frame number) rubbing film, the proof of the origins of the storage body or frame.
Should pay attention to in car interiors
Deal with the start of the new car we should start considering interior windows affixed to the new car window film for both insulation and watertight explosion-proof effect and not film and hanging curtains to differ materially. Car accessories some car perfume, car debris bags, cup holder, mobile phone holder, as well as other kinds of delicate trinkets.
Layout of car accessories, you should follow the four principles:
1. Safety: car accessories must not impede traffic safety, such as the car at the top of hanging material should not be too long, too big, too heavy, the ornaments on the rear windshield not affect reversing sight.
2. Practical: select fully reflects the personality of a delicate, beautiful jewelry, as much as possible according to the size of the interior space, optional practical accessories such as cup holder, perfume bottles, boxes.
3. Tidy: jewelry should clean sanitation, proper place, giving a relaxed, comfortable feeling.
4. Coordination: the color of the jewelry must be coordinated and the color of the car, not the blind pursuit of high-grade, high-priced things, in order to avoid self-defeating.
5. Comfort: the color and texture of the car accessories to meet the aesthetic taste of the owners of the perfume to be fresh, should not be too strong.



Car lexia recommended-replacement tires before winter

The lopsided autumn cold north wind and cold rain the Beijing weather day cool like one day. We have to pay attention to wear extra clothes Yeah, the authority of the National Meteorological Observatory said the winter this year than usual colder. Cold how much, Song Yingjie do not know, I do not know. Early but it is necessary to brace ourselves for example, to buy himself a heavyweight Down to the car after the http://obd2.blognet.me/ "Golden Week" to be a maintenance joint before winter maintenance check.Normal every 5000 (or 10,000 km) maintenance, an oil change, the three filters do not ignore, delayed a couple of weeks is not a big problem, and to open up a two thousand kilometers. Do not omit, as a great influence on the service life of your car."Golden Week" period, many of my friends car trips. Can be divided according to their own wherever, level check. For example, driving to cities such as Qingdao, Shanghai, Dalian, good road conditions, the air clean, and come back to check the appearance of the car, tires injuries can. If you go to Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and other natural conditions are relatively poor, the road is not a good place to come back must drive to the 4S shop or a large service station, inspection and maintenance. This involves the replacement parts, lifting cars to be checked.3. Before winter, be sure to give your car a thorough check and eliminate hidden dangers exist, despite some of the problems may seem small, but it may affect driving safety and driving comfort. Such as a glass of water, according to the freezing point in winter and summer. Genuine glass of water than dish  http://eobd2demi.wordpress.com/ detergent plus Erguotou "watered so simple glycol, organic acids and other ingredients, antifreeze, in addition to the role of glue. Especially the winter owners of a friend must use -35 ℃ glass of water. In addition, be sure to check automobile antifreeze. Frequent use in the summer air-conditioning and refrigeration, compressor, condenser, late autumn early winter, air conditioning A / C Basic No, they must be thoroughly checked, to clean up the air conditioning system, especially condenser, air filters are easy to save area of ​​dirt, causing the car smell.4 air temperature in the area below zero, it is recommended to replace winter tires.The above suggestions are universal, cars less than five years, the problem will be less. Longer the year of the car, with the aging of rubber, wire harness, a lot of parts to pay special attention to, should be carefully examined.In addition to check the car part of the normal work, winter long drives but also in the car, standing some emergency and essential items, including snow removal deicing brush shovel, first aid kit, the long-term preservation of food dry food, matches, take the line of cables, at least one bottle spare window washer fluid bag coarse salt or sand, flashlight, a trailer with the rope, as well as warm items.


X-431 Diagun Engine lubricating / cooling system resolution

In our daily keep a X-431 Diagun on a regular basis to replace the oil filter, check the tank water is essential for the project, which have an important impact on the performance of the engine. Oil tank water is an important carrier of the engine lubrication system and cooling system, and how they are the engine lubrication and cooling it? Let's work together to look at it.Internal engine friction between moving parts, such as crankshaft main journal main bearings, cam journal and cam bearings, pistons, piston rings and cylinder wall, and so on, these parts movement speed, poor working environment, they need proper lubrication to reduce wear and extend the life of the engine. Oil "blood" as the engine, the engine oil has a lubricating, cooling, cleaning, sealing and rust, and other effects, to periodically replace the oil has an important role on the engine.The repetitive lubrication oil, with the end of the worn metal dust and other impurities, such as not cleaning up but accelerate the wear parts. Filter oil filter must be installed in the oil trail. But for too long, as will become dirty oil, so the oil filter must be replaced after a certain mileage vehicles. Addition to have a lubrication system to reduce the friction between parts, the engine must also be a cooling system, good time to dissipate some of the heat of the heated parts in a timely manner, to ensure that the engine in the optimum temperature state. The engine cooling water-cooled and air-cooled in two ways, the general car using water-cooled engines. Water-cooled engine cooling system water pump, radiator, cooling fan, compensation tank, thermostat, engine block, cylinder head water jacket parts.That is how to cool it? Mainly through the pump so that surround the cooling liquid in the water jacket of the cylinder to accelerate the flow, traveling through the natural wind, and an electric fan so that the cooling liquid is cooled in the radiator, after cooling fluid is again introduced into the water jacket, the cycle, to achieve a cooling of the engine.In fact, in addition to have a cooling effect on the engine cooling system, as sbb key programmer  well as the "insulation" effect because "too cold" or "overheating", will affect the normal working of the engine. This process by the size of the loop "in the engine cooling system thermostat switch. What is the size of the circulation of the cooling system? Can be understood as a simple, small circulation of the cooling liquid is not passing through the radiator, while the large loop of the cooling liquid is passed through the radiator.Diesel and gasoline engines is the most common car on two power plant, is different because of the different fuel, diesel and gasoline engines work. Mainly in the following aspects, the first jet way is not the same as gasoline (except direct injection engine) is a mixture of gasoline and fuel into the cylinder, while the diesel engine is direct diesel is injected into the cylinder filled with compressed air.Rotor piston of the engine is a flat triangle, the cylinder is a flat box, the piston is mounted eccentrically in the cavity. Gasoline combustion-generated expansion force acts on the side surface of the rotor, which will be one of the three faces of the triangle rotor toward the center of the eccentric shaft and the piston within the cylinder under the action of the centripetal force and the tangential force, a planetary rotational movement.Hybrid cars generally hybrid, is the use of the fuel engine and electric motor to power cars. The means may be in the hybrid vehicle to decelerate the vehicle, the braking energy recovery, when going downhill, and by the motor to power cars, so its relatively low fuel consumption, but the car is relatively high prices.


Help you to see the error of opel tech2 modification

Mentioned the power part of the  opel tech2  alteration, modification of the engine intake system is usually referred to the specified action (the most common basis for retrofit projects). Intake, the exhaust system is a complementary relationship, want to improve the output performance of the engine need more co-ordination of the intake system. As a four-stroke engine work is done the first part of the air intake, compared to the mysteries of one of the exhaust system is more complex, Current modified Mistakes series we are concerned that the intake system modified.
Last modified in the the misunderstanding series of articles, we detail the modification of the exhaust system. First article as a dynamic system modified exhaust system modification misunderstanding "does not mean that no exhaust system intake system performance power output, but take into account the current power system in the country, involving modification, alteration The exhaust system is the most common, and you really want to improve the dynamic performance of the engine intake system also plays an important role. Let us start from the modified intake system of misunderstanding and talk about the modified intake system.
Mentioned the power part of the alteration, modification of the engine intake system is usually referred to the specified action (the most common basis for retrofit projects). Intake, the exhaust system is a complementary relationship, want to improve the output performance of the engine need more co-ordination of the intake system. As a four-stroke engine work is done the first part of the air intake, compared to the mysteries of one of the exhaust system is more complex, Current modified Mistakes series we are concerned that the intake system modified.
Relating to the safety of life to help you see the brake conversion errors■ intake system modification Myth # 1: into the air the bigger the better

First of all, we have to recognize that the depot spends tens of millions or even billions of costs used to develop the car, create product performance is not without reason. For the power system is the core part of the vehicle is to weigh the various factors in the final choice of one of the most reasonable and balanced set. Anyway, the modification is to break down the factory has set a good balance, and to make some compromises and concessions on the durability, comfort and environmental conditions, the dynamic performance is more prominent. The dynamic lift moderate improve the efficiency of the air intake of the engine can be modified intake system effect (generally not more than 10%), but is also not difficult to operate, if they wish to further improve the power on this basis performance, things get complicated.

The intake air quantity can be increased within a unit time with more fuel to combust acting (ECU will detect the increase in the intake air, and to increase fuel with the combustion in real time). Simply put, provide the fuel and the combustion gas engine more and greater pressure on the piston, the higher the torque provided by the engine. Factory ECU fuel injection, ignition and other settings range limit (taking into
OPEL TECH2 USB account a variety of factors, the adjustment range is very limited), once into the air beyond the scope of the original set, the rest of the engine running will not continue follow-up adjustments, so only part of the air intake modification ECU, fuel supply, ignition, exhaust and other is not synchronized follow-up, they can not be significantly improved dynamic performance.

The other hand, increasing the intake air quantity is almost as much as possible to reduce intake resistance, for some of the smaller displacement models, low speed when the engine can provide an intake negative pressure (sucking force), same speed too smooth intake intake airflow will reduce speed, low intake resistance will weaken the low-speed torque output accelerated become insolvent (even unstable idle, so its infancy, abnormal jitter), this feature more not suitable for urban road vehicles, modified intake to take into account the characteristics of the power output of the model itself, the intake system may not be too smooth for some of the the low torsional poor models.

For Liezi Suppose we use a straw to drink plenty of water with a ordinary thickness straw can effortlessly water sucked out, but if replaced by a super-rough (Zuizhang to just latch onto) straw, think drink water almost impossible, but this super thick straw, then to the elephant would be very appropriate, and high engine speed when the sucking force is like an elephant, low speed like people.■ intake system modified Mistakes 2: random change secondary intake, electronic turbine products do not fly
Modified products of these so-called friends must pay attention to the car home articles on electronic turbine, converted the second intake of these two terms is no stranger before the car Channel Mythbusters series has been popular on the recent market enhance dynamic performance detailed test results clearly illustrates the problem. These modified products will not only fail to improve the dynamic performance of the engine, the dynamic numerical test after horsepower machine but lower than the original state, so the modification of these do not fly products also cause unnecessary damage the engine, not worth the candle.● modified secondary intake
The so-called secondary intake modification works on the intake process changes slightly. This device is mounted on the throttle after the vacuum tube, that is that will lead to the crankcase (PCV valve) tubes cut open in the middle of a three-way valve, so that the engine vacuum suction on not only the exhaust gas of the crankcase also directly sucked from the outside additional air to supplement to the intake manifold. But because of the crankcase ventilation tube in position in the throttle after the additional air will not be included in the air flow sensor, so the injector system does not correspond to automatically adjust the amount of fuel injection.Crankcase ventilation fundamental purpose is to design proportion consumed the crankcase exhaust gas to be environmentally friendly, so the crankcase into the gas are given based on overall engine tuning good. If the installation of the second intake valve surface, increase the feed rate, but in fact, reduce the concentration of oil and gas mixture, combustion full original design, that white is the vacuum tube leak.
The test results show that the modified lower maximum power of 5 kilowatts! Power is reduced, and the car's speed decreases. Not only that, after changing the original concentration of the mixture (fuel injection quantity unchanged into the air to increase the air-fuel ratio increased), also increased combustion chamber temperatures, this modification is not only unable to improve the performance of the power, so long bound to the engine causing unnecessary injury.
● modified electronic turbine
Compared to the second intake modifications,
opel tech2 diagnotic tool electronic turbine seems to be more reasonable, because before the installation position in the throttle to increase the intake volume will change the air flow sensor data read, ECU injector action accordingly adjust the sounds be power output be helpful, but the actual This modification is extremely wrong.

Electronic turbo rely on battery 12V DC rotates, although we do not have a device to test the actual speed of the electronic turbine, but think about it a little mindless, a 12V power driven DC motor speed can I Chengsi also over 6000 rpm, right? Turn up the sound and the CPU fan above is not much difference.

Moreover, electronic turbine fan is constant speed, we all know, is different in the different speed of the engine demand for the intake air amount, the higher the speed the greater the intake air quantity per unit time, even at low speed electronic be able to increase the engine intake air turbine, but as the speed increases, the plastic electronic turbine blades not only can not help the engine to improve the efficiency of the air intake, has become a burden on the actual test results is also very good attention to point plus The electronic turbine installed maximum power of 8.7 kW lower than the original speed slower than the original 11.4 km / h.
■ intake system modification misunderstanding 3: chaos mushroom head, feel free to change the intake manifold
Mounted in the the windbox air filter (air filter) whose role is to block the dust, you can avoid the dust and foreign matter from entering the engine to cause damage, but will also form intake resistance. Some owners modified intake will be modified mushroom head (look like mushrooms, so called mushroom head), air filter and change the original intake manifold. The mushroom head type air filter with a circular or a spherical filter layer design, and increase the intake area can increase the intake air amount (provided that the engine can provide sufficient sucking force). But the quality of the modified air filter currently sold on the domestic market is not flattered by the cottage, no-name products plethora listen businesses touted use inferior products, is likely to make the engine inhaled dust, failure is an inevitable result of.


Why you changed your Volvo VIDA DiCE wheels

Common two such students. Is to collect a variety of Volvo VIDA DiCE information, and then asked to refit stores at the price of a tire size models. Directly to drive the truck to the shops at home, take a look at which rims sleep a wink edge. If two students can get the correct guidance of the stores, the results should be the same - sports tires + lightweight wheels (excluding VIP or DUB flow modification). Of course, there are some of the first phase of the large brakes, then consider changing the rim classmates.We start with the wheels start. Development today, the vast majority of car wheels aluminum alloy material is not the case before. About record use in 1905, when the car wheels of steel, there are rarely a part of the cast iron material, but the overall performance of the latter is slightly weaker than the former, and a passer in the history of. Later 1970s, the support of some of the new technology, steel wheels aluminum alloy material which replaced the latter's dominance continues today. Of course, today there are a handful of economic models standard rims, after all, the rims of mature production process, the manufacturer has a set of cost-control methods.The typical shape of the traditional steel wheels. Not have the advantage of steel aluminum alloy material. First of all, subject to the characteristics of the material itself, the steel rim shape monotonous, while aluminum can make a variety of Volvo Vida Dice Manufacturers beautiful shape; thermal efficiency aluminum alloy is three times higher than steel, tires, brakes can therefore be beneficial; the most important is the low quality of the aluminum alloy density light, standing on the moment of inertia angle, which is the movement of a car performance factors play a decisive role.As I mentioned above, now the vast majority of the car's original standard wheels made of aluminum alloy material, then why spend money to buy the same aluminum alloy modified pieces? The main reason is very simple and very powerful, the less weight the same size modified pieces. This will bring a series of benefits, the above paragraph of simple instructions, to the back we have another article details say this. In addition to weight, modified wheels optional shape more and more personalized.However, most of the students are not necessarily just be satisfied with the same size wheels Change, for example, in the conditions of the vehicle allows the premise that they are usually considered to increase the level (or even two) rim diameter, the original may not have these large diameter wheels, when the modified pieces can help the students. They also said that, we want to change a large section, low-profile tires, the VOLVO DICE Diagnostic Communication Equipment natural need for a new set of wheels. For large-scale multi-brake kit also goes without saying.


Ford Ids Vcm against the BMW GT1 challenge

Commenced a fierce competition with the whole new generation of Ford Ids Vcm facelift  has been launched, two of the world's largest luxury car manufacturer's flagship model in China. BMW  is also China's largest-selling luxury car market share of over 40%. However, listed in January of this year, a new generation of the BMW 1 sedan has become a strong rival.January to July, the  BMW brand 7636, down 2% over the same period, BMW 7 Series on the card 6289, an increase of 2%, is the only growth in the luxury car models.Hao Bo, mainly due to decline in sales of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class is slowed down due to the new product launch of the new car and updating lead, and he is the Mercedes - Benz (China) Motors Sales Co., Ltd., general manager of sales and chief marketing.Tang Jing, an analyst with Beijing the polka Automotive Information Consulting Co., Ltd., said the BMW 7 Series is a new generation, the new  Ford Ids Vcm and 750Li twin-turbo engine, but also have the power and technological advantages, while Mercedes-Benz the listing is the ninth generation of S Class sedans, the mid-facelift models.In May,  cars donated 50% of the purchase tax measures purchase in early August, the market two 730Li BMW sedan, which further increased the pressure on the Mercedes-Benz S-Class. The first seven months of this year, Mercedes-Benz up 43% of the amount on the card, the data provided by the Beijing the polka Automotive Information Consulting Co., Ltd., mainly because the the Lexus decline, its old rival - the Audi and BMW remain growth.For the facelift of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, Mercedes-Benz used means of competition is still valid, such as increasing the number of models (there are 10 models, models in the luxury car brand up), while continuing to enrich configuration to attract consumers, this may partially mitigated by the competitive pressures of the new BMW 7 Series.Benz launch new models may integrate into the Chinese elements and the unique needs of the Chinese market, which may be extra points for it. Mercedes-Benz in China at the beginning of this year to set up a "pioneer in the design center, to understand design style and feedback to the headquarters of the Chinese market and customer needs. Bo Hao said, the owners of most of the S-Class cars in China is more chauffeur-driven owners to spend more time in the back seat, so Mercedes-Benz more emphasis on the comfort of the back seat the whole ride a sense of safety equipment, and so on.The listing of 9 -Class sedan, as well as a hybrid - S400 Hybrid. This is the Mercedes-Benz introduced the first hybrid sedan, equipped with a lithium-ion battery hybrid technology is the world's first mass production car, the car starting the Shanghai International Auto Show in April this year. Not only shows that the attitude of the Mercedes-Benz hybrid vehicles to the Chinese market, it may contribute considerable sales. BMW is still not listed in the Chinese hybrid vehicles or other more environmentally friendly models, however, the company plans to launch a hybrid version of the 7 Series sedan the end of this year, is also expected to be listed in China.Hao Bo said, whether it is from the Chinese government's policy-oriented public awareness of environmental protection point of view, the Mercedes-Benz have seen the market demand for hybrid vehicles. Next, Mercedes-Benz will observe the reaction of the market to decide whether the assembly of hybrid models to the Chinese market. The end of this year, Mercedes-Benz will be to market the 1000 Smart electric car next year, will also put some of the B-Class fuel cell vehicles. If China has listed the conditions of these models will begin to run.The S400 Hybrid listed there may be certain BMW GT1 market demand. First of all, it's priced at 1.458 million yuan, only a prototype car - the S350 Deluxe Edition models priced 60,000 yuan. Secondly, due to its assembly 3.5L gasoline engine, coupled to the auxiliary power of the electric motor, its performance is not affected, but the fuel consumption is decreased, the overall fuel consumption of about 8.0 liters / 100 km. On this basis, it is advertised natural environmental values ​​may be attracted to the part of the luxury car consumers.A Ford Ids Vcm ,  introduced specifically for the car after-sales service policy, which may make consumers concerns. According to the reporter, the hybrid models generally provide a longer warranty period than ordinary gasoline and diesel vehicles, such as the the Lexus LS600hL Lexus LS600hL warranty period reached 15 million kilometers, far higher than gasoline cars of the same level. However, Hao Bo, Mercedes-Benz S400 Hybrid is no reason why increased the warranty period, is very confident of its own BMW GT1 system. Do not know whether this argument can be Chinese customers accept.


Teach you how to remove taste in new car

I believe many of my friends to buy a car, has  digimaster 3 a troubled, it is a new car, there was a smell is difficult to remove, the topic of a new car in addition to taste many of my friends have their own unique skill, including some good results, some are not scientific. How to remove the new car smell, we summarize a few troubled friends to give it a try.
: Windows open for ventilation in order to make a harmful gas that comes out, the most effective way is ventilation, but this method is time-consuming long. Due to the relatively small enclosed interior space, the new car is often the ventilation window, when conditions permit, open the door ventilation is very necessary. In addition, many of the parts of the new car plastic bag protection, many of my friends like to try to keep the case does not affect the use of the feel of the new car without having to dismantle, in fact, these plastic packaging must be dismantled, or internal harmful gases difficult comes out.
Method: place the fruits and vegetables many of my friends used to remove car smell some fruit, this approach is very effective and relatively simple to operate, grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, orange, and so try to choose fruits operation, not only the adsorption capacity than strong, and its own distributing fruity odors at the same time improve the air inside the car, just pay attention to the the fruit spoiled if you do not continue to use.
Of course, eat the rest of the grapefruit peel, pineapple skin can be used as children the tools to remove car smell. If you choose a fruit in addition to taste, the best first fruits cut, so you can increase the area of ​​contact with the air, the vehicle is parked for a long time, the fruit can be placed in the center console. Everyday driving, try the fruit on the floor of the back row or prepare a Xiaokuang, into the basket. So as not to affect safe driving.
Method Three: Place activated charcoal, activated carbon, charcoal bag charcoal many owners will choose the items placed in the car, the efficacy of charcoal with suction formaldehyde, and compact and conveniently placed, owners according to their own needs carbon package nissan consult 3  on the car any position, but the new package of carbon plastic packaging must be timely removal, otherwise it will affect the efficacy.
Method: vinegar in addition to flavor vinegar can absorb formaldehyde, also can stabilize formaldehyde, so placed in the car with some vinegar not only good results and lower costs. The only caveat is that while driving, avoid vinegar spilled another car some sour vinegar smell is inevitable.
Myth: perfume in addition to taste a lot of my friends like to place some of the strong flavor of perfume or air freshener in the car to remove the smell of a new car, in fact, this method is not desirable, just use perfume smell cover the car taste, taste elimination and does not have any effect.
Myth: avoid sun Many people suggest new cars can not be parked in the sun, to try to park in the shade, so the car odor less, in fact, we do not deliberately avoid the sun, sunlight car formaldehyde and other harmful gases will be more active that comes out, so that is more conducive to the use of some of the ways to reduce the formaldehyde X-431 Diagun  content, of course, the bright light exposure is to avoid.

Select a small viscosity and low pour point oil in winter

In late autumn, vehicle maintenance is   Ford Ids Vcm  essential. If you do not do maintenance in the car before winter, will have very serious wear and tear, which is equivalent to run more than a few years of wear and tear under normal maintenance. How to choose the right lubricant products for the car?
  Lubricant products in the case of low temperatures become thicker, reduced mobility, achieve longer needs to be lubricated parts, causing the vehicle difficult to activate and wear increase. The autumn and winter season, the best choice for lubricants with low pour point of the base oil viscosity of filial piety fall and winter temperatures dropped significantly, ordinary products, so as to continue to bring the car engine lubrication.
Summer and winter generic oil as the engine of choice. Lubricants First, the choice of using too advanced oil, nor can a lower level of oil use the higher choice recommended by the manufacturer on the basis of the rise, or use synthetic oil better performance.
 The engine play better protective effect. Universal oil. Universal Secondly, should try to choose a summer and winter oil no matter how temperature changes can maintain a stable lubricating properties,
    Faster flow of the lubricant, reducing wear at startup. The condition of the engine choice. If the engine again, depending on a new or in good condition as far as possible to use the low viscosity of the oil, such as 0W-40, 5W-40 and 10W-40, etc., so that the engine has been worn to a certain extent, it is necessary to choice high viscosity of the oil, such as 15W-50, etc., so that is conducive to the formation of thicker oil film to maintain the pressure of oil and reduce oil consumption. Finally, if it is not too much in the hot season or add the amount.
 Lubricants, must remain slightly below the oil dipstick up to the maximum level is appropriate; Also master oil Model season oil change, engine oil too much, will increase the the crankshaft rotational resistance, reducing the amount of engine oil to add and not better. If the output power, as well as those of excessive oil jump into the combustion chamber, causing the vehicle to burn the oil, take the blue smoke that increased fuel consumption. Oil combustion residues may accumulate in the combustion chamber walls, to reduce the combustion chamber space, thereby reducing the compression ratio of the engine; same time, also to accelerate the wear of the cylinder and piston, thereby reducing the life of the vehicle. So add performance and many other factors.
    Lubricant without additives
    The lubricants Original cleaning and abrasion function, but it will also increase the sludge and coke,  bmw ops contains a unique anti-wear additives affect the engine lubricating oil, 50% higher abrasion resistance by test than APISM standard. Based on add anti-wear additives, anti-wear properties may improve slightly, but is more likely to occur is that the anti-wear additives and lubricants lubricating oil additive. Because the lubricants Generally, we do not recommend in itself constitute a part of the base oil and additives, the formula has been a variety of testing and screening dizzy additive could backfire. For example, the Great Wall of additives to produce a chemical reaction, not only to reduce the performance and service life.
Filter paper can distinguish the pros and cons
    Lubricants pros and cons, generally pay attention to a few points: The first is to observe. Oil if clear, yellow-brown, the better its quality; colors muddy or emulsion, the water content is more; such as oil, premature oxidation or mixed with other oil burning smell. The second is to see if there is a precipitate. The third is the oil drops on the plate or the exhaust pipe above 110 ℃, such as crackles oil containing moisture. The fourth is the drops of oil on the filter, map control using the spot method. Under normal circumstances, the quality of the oil should be maintained suitable viscosity, and resistance, oxidation stability, wear resistance and  autocom cdp corrosion resistance.


It's not difficult to choose right tool for cleaning

Daily visible surface of the seat, the  J2543 original should not become a health corners, can some owners to deal with untimely missed clear traces, the best time of the stains.Million accidentally infected with the color, in time for the color penetration into the seat before treatment is necessary, in particular, there is a hole in the leather seats."If you just happened with a clean wet towel rub directly. Few hours later processing after spray foam cleaner with a towel or friction sponge Rub.Other things with similar stain effect in everyday life, such as family members sitting in the car eating chips dipped in the tomato sauce, the baby's urine stains, fumbled over spilled coffee accidentally left lipstick, can using the same method of treatment.Knocked tea did not dry the loss of seven or eight hundred"There was a car owners car smell, but can not find the source. Sent a look, the culprit is the seat lay below many days of flexible packaging soy milk onto the carpet on the part mildew. Estimated that owners daughter accidentally fell on the car. "said Zhang Genhua, technical director of Beijing Hyundai of Zhejiang Korea store under the seat is most likely to be ignored, often able to find a wide variety of things forgotten. "We have the the beauty workers also found two stacks of dollar bills."The area between the two seats is also garbage "hardest hit". Owners who tend to put a variety of beverages, milk, cola, coffee ... if these liquid accidentally shake the container, not timely clean, not only prone odor, there is the danger of damage nearby electronic components.The clean colored stains critical is timely, such as lipstick, coffee stains, ice cream, Coke, the baby's urine stains and other stains, clean Keywords: Timely"Must be the same day, can not be left to the next day." Wang Miao repeated reminders, wait until the stain has penetrated into the interior surface, would like to thoroughly clean it will be very difficult.The specific way: gently wipe with a wet towel or sponge. If the result is not obvious, and can be used in conjunction with foam cleaner, do not use hot water or soap and water.Selection of tools sanitary dead ends is not difficult fluffy towels, friction sponge clean interior most commonly used two tools, often used in conjunction. Sponge soaked in water, wring excess water to sanitary dead  Ds 708 angle, float the dirt with a dry towel. Brush decontamination ability should force properly, will scratch the surface of the damage some interior, it is often used to clean the plastic parts of the car. Common market brush head made of horse hair, rabbit hair two, angora relatively softer, it is recommended that owners choose the latter.Neutral detergent effect is usually better than the foam cleaner. However, different neutral cleaning agent, a proportion watered each identical. If the lack of water, and there is no timely wipe clean, residual detergent will corrode seat epidermis. High bubbly, is not easy to penetrate into the chemical fiber, leather and other materials. Cleaning of the interior space, basic are available. Semi-fluid gum material, shape and has a strong dust, debris adsorption capacity. The car narrow gap at the hard-to-reach, it is a place to show their talents. Such as air-conditioning vent.Ceiling and floor mats, one last look at the place of the two car easily dust accumulation.Limao Peng, manager of electric vehicle club, the ceiling suck dust, the car is a move, the dust began to be active, interior air quality can be imagined. Yourself cleaning the ceiling, to stay in the heart. Spray a little foam detergent, rub with a towel along the same direction, so that the ceiling plush direction will not mess. "Zhejiang automotive beauty decorating Korea Soviet master reminded.The mats clean will depend on the material. Suede mats, can be directly washed clean brush, drying can be. If it is wool or a cardboard sandwich in the middle, then dry cleaning is the best choice. Spray on foam cleaner, the direct use of dry brush, and finally dry towel."If the mat is not too dirty, you can get the car outside flapping or use a vacuum cleaner with a brush head." The strange new tide assistant store manager and Chief Technology Officer VECTOR BIOLOGY supplement.Seat belts usually best Gesanchawu with a damp towel to wipe the surface, in order to avoid the accumulation of dust. If dirty, clean with detergent plus brush. Wash, remember the first ventilation to dry, do not immediately Tape. As for the cleaning of the center console, and the car keys, the key points on three words: avoid the water. The first with almost no liquid water, foam cleaner, then tide towels wipe. "Limao Peng said, wet towel of course, is not available, but it does not work completely dry, easy to scratch the surface, such as mahogany interior.Both sides of the door of a small storage box, below the headrests, and other places, you can use the same foam cleanser + clean towel to get.Air conditioning vent, the best  BMW GT1  way is to use a clean soft rubber to absorb dust.


four-wheel-drive within 15million SUV recommended

July 21, heavy rainfall resulted in the city and even the   Ford Ids Vcm suburbs of the disaster, a lot of vehicles stranded on the road. Is relatively common in cars, four wheel drive SUV at this time can play a greater role. Four-wheel drive As the name suggests is either front wheel or rear wheel of the car has power, so it is also known as all-wheel drive. It can be for different road conditions, engine power distribution on different tires, in which case you can better enhance the car's driving ability and stability. With the present technology continues to improve, the application of this technology is also more common, and now we'll introduce four-wheel-drive SUV, several less than 150,000 yuan, you can also take a look at what is not affordable it?
Hover the H6: The technology is mature and stable quality in its class, using the 2012 Harvard H6 2.0T diesel models, some models of competitive front-wheel-drive drive, the attachment of the ground is relatively large, this drive way be able to give you more stable driving needs. Hover H6 Minimum ground clearance is 190mm, the chassis is relatively high in the entire body through sexual good, and good combination of tuning of its suspension to bring us good comfort. Hover H6 is a city intelligent compact SUV models, the entire body reveals the atmosphere of calm personality. Hover H6 waist slender, slightly higher design it adds a lot of feeling of vitality, and large front grille with the interpretation of the X-type on the front bumper to better fashion sense, while Harvard H6 tail The design also uses a new feeling, and looked very atmospheric.
Hover H6 interior is black and beige with a feeling, at first glance people feel particularly comfortable home atmosphere is also very rich. Harvard H6 genuine leather multifunction steering wheel feels good, multi-function buttons located around the steering wheel, easy manipulation, the trip computer display of the large size of the mosaic in the middle of the center console, the overall sense of science and technology to better enhance. 2012 Hover H6 2.0L diesel models are equipped with a 2.0T 150 horsepower turbocharged engine, maximum power of 110 kW and maximum torque of 310 Nm. Harvard H6 this engine technology is very mature, it's dynamic performance is strong, and also better able to improve its fuel economy, of course, also responded to the national environmental requirements.
From the Great Wall Group Hover H6 can be said that a model of the domestic SUV models, with the continuous improvement of the overall technical the Harvard H6 design level is even more remarkable. 2012 Harvard H6 2.0T models used in all the front-wheel-drive driven approach, this design can give us a more stable driving feel, but also its dynamic performance of turbocharged engine applications more robust.
JAC Eagle: cost advantages are obvious jianghuai Eagle's overall handling, steering wheel pointing is more accurate, higher JAC Eagle chassis, the minimum ground clearance of 207mm, as a whole is also good. 2011 the Jianghuai Eagle 2.0T models equipped with front-wheel-drive driven approach, and overall enhance the car's driving ability, to some extent reduce the slipping on the ground. Jianghuai Eagle brake soft, driving a little attention to adaptation. JAC Rui Ying's body was very thick, and overall body MB Star C3 lines filled with tough temperament, it is full of a sense of power. JAC Rui Ying shape design to imitate the taste of the inside, the lack of some of his own design philosophy, JAC Rui Ying vertical bar style front grille is very spacious feel very fashionable style of taillights highlight the personality, the whole tail of feeling full.
At first glance the interior of the JAC Rui Ying is very modern in detail at the use of a silver chrome plated material to be modified without losing the vitality of stylish and as the background color to pure black. The center console button larger, and very easy to manipulate, but the interior of the JAC Rui Ying workmanship is not very satisfactory, the entire interior of the material is also very general, the texture is somewhat less certain. 2011 models JAC Rui Ying 2.0T models equipped with the 2.0T 177 horsepower turbocharged inline 4-cylinder engine, this engine can bring the maximum power of 130 kilowatts, the maximum torque of 235 Nm. General dynamic performance of the JAC Rui Ying, the start is relatively stable, also performed well when the speed is not very strong, but the overall off-road capability.
Jianghuai Eagle imitation flavor, which makes many of my friends is not quite satisfied, we still want to see its original design. JAC Eagle interior looks modern full, but the texture and workmanship are more general, as the first SUV models of the JAC Group, JAC Rui Ying also need the whole upgrade to a better firm foothold.
The tough guy in the breeze X8: made SUV 2012 Landwind X8 2.5T diesel models and 2.4L petrol models use a front-wheel-drive drive, this drive can deal with driving in cities. Breeze X8 chassis feel is very solid, and 200mm minimum ground clearance, it provides very good through the stalls of the land breeze X8 relatively clear, but in the shifting of the individual stalls or have astringent phenomenon appear. The breeze from Jiangling Group X8 is a positioning in the whole field of urban SUV models, the breeze X8 body size is relatively large, the entire shape of the body filled with a sense of power lines it is full of a wild feeling. And its wide body compared to the front grille of the land breeze X8 seems to be rather stingy, lack a little feel of the atmosphere, but its entire body of work is good.
And its wild form compared to the interior design of the land breeze X8 appear more old-fashioned, less of a sense of vitality. The interior of the land breeze X8 is a black and silver design, the interior of which makes it a bit dull, the center console button layout is very fresh, the size is relatively large, easy control. Landwind X8 more general choice of interior materials, a strong sense of plastic, but overall the work is also more general. 2012 models Landwind X8 2.5T is equipped with a diesel four-wheel VM R425 models turbocharged engine, this engine has been the favorite of many SUV models users, it can bring a maximum power of 105 kW and maximum torque 340 Nm. Breeze X8 this engine's power output is smooth, but the speed is slow and the sense of relatively large noise at high speeds.
Landwind X8 awareness in the domestic market is not very high, there may be a lot of people are not very familiar with it, but the shape of its wild atmosphere is still very attractive, but also from the point of view the overall workmanship is quite good . Landwind X8 want more people uobd2 recognized the need for greater efforts on the domestic auto market.


Recommend 3 independent urban SUV -choice of cost-effective

More and more independent urban SUV began  Digimaster 3to enter the market, and traditional cost advantage and continued to improve product quality, expand market share, we will recommend four independent urban SUV, and, I hope your car help. Filed autonomous SUV, we can easily think of the self-proclaimed "tough guy" models, they have a solid, non-load-beam, has a reliable time 4WD system, but in today's SUV trend, or too small the people. Therefore, more and more independent urban SUV into the market, and traditional cost advantage and continued to improve product quality, expand market share, we will recommend four independent urban SUV, I hope for your help of the car.Compared to the former tough guy style, H6 new look very Japanese feel of the SUV models, the lines become more gentle, but without losing the sense of power. Once controversial models of the H3, H5 old-fashioned interior design has finally been an overall improvement, perhaps only the large wheel arches and higher ground clearance, to make you see that this is an independent brand city ​​SUV products. Overall, the new H6 of the appearance of the people shines in moderation and traditional foundation, adding more fashionable elements, it is in line with the aesthetic standards of the people.H6 of the interior for the new design, not the radical shape of the overall fit of urbanization, sleek design elements and sports-style steering wheel with can cater to more consumers. The steering wheel of three more young, cortex wrapped it with a soft, comfortable grip, black and silver color and the bottom of the hollow handle of the steering wheel considerably. Ten o'clock and two o'clock position of the protruding grip common practices of sports cars, there is also emphasis on its urban location in H6. The multi-function button size is not small, and also not loose the feeling, sound control, Cruise functions and Bluetooth phone connection sufficient to meet the peacetime use. H6 using the Unibody structure, compared to non-Unibody structure, H3, H5, the most obvious difference is that the Unibody the bottom of the beam did not appear. Fewer trips to the rigid frame, H6 body weight can be lighter, the stability of the highway will be a corresponding rise. However, if you like to frequent off-road, non-Unibody would be more appropriate. H6 front suspension using McPherson independent design rear suspension uses a double-wishbone with stabilizer bar independent design, the design is to a certain extent, enhance the the H6 city handling. In addition, all standard rear wheel with the steering function, the feature is available in high-speed cornering, reducing the front wheel steering angle, the vehicle to lower the overall trend of oversteer, increasing understeer characteristics, in order to enhance the vehicle tracking.Power, mature naturally aspirated 2.0L Mitsubishi 4G63 engine, maximum power 98 kW, maximum torque is 186 Nm, with the traditional five-speed manual gearbox, it is very "moderate", there is not much passion, but more easily. Recommended another powertrain --- 2.0L TCI diesel engine + a six-speed manual gearbox, throttle tuning is relatively active, so from about 1800rpm, the power began a steady stream of emission, if the tread depth from 2500rpm, it is strongly pushed back will begin to stimulate the adrenal gland. Test drive a few kilometers down, obviously feel that the H6 suspension tuning or more rigid, and not completely compromise the urban traffic, the extreme pursuit of comfort, but try to ensure that the suspension toughness, with the use of servo steering and stabilizer bars, The vehicle-control bending posture, to ensure adequate support.Recommended models: Chery Tiggo compact SUV as a pivotal Chery brand camp was great expectations, market performance can be considered satisfactory. After several years of tough training, the model is relatively aging, but Chery continuous facelift allowed to maintain enough vitality and market competitiveness, 1.6S models listed last year is a lot of scientific and technological advantages rolled into one. The introduction of a new Tiggo, shines, seemingly ever seen, but very fine, the front of the car that Chery logo still shining. The entire front face has become more fierce, the Hawkeye shape LED headlamps as well as the gull-wing grille with new Tiggo full of modern, while the bumper is similar to a scratch-resistant material with more movement, more than function. New Tiggo dimensions were 4390mm × 1765mm × 1705mm, wheelbase 2510mm. Although this size is not large, but very suitable for use in the crowded and narrow city stop and go.From the transformation of the interior you will find that Chery it is clear that after some market research, new Tiggo from pure light-colored interior to the now prevalent on Heixia light colors appear more mature, modern. Slightly prominent center console is an ordinary car can not reach the interior of the new Tiggo the overall feeling of a full three-dimensional. The new configuration Tiggo did not let us down. Such as its four power windows are one touch the whereabouts of the other front seat is also equipped with two steps of heating, such a configuration is ideal for users who live in the north in the winter. New Tiggo 1.6S Hi equipped with a sunroof, both sides of the mirrors are electrically adjustable, you can also adjust the angle of light exposure in the car. The rear view mirror, but also deliberately left the compass, altitude and atmospheric pressure, and other general information, very human.The new Tiggo the 1.6S most important is to this 1.6-liter supercharged engine. For this weight good for up to 1.4 tons of SUV  Ford Ids Vcm power protection is necessary. 1.6S from the parameters, the maximum power of 110 kW and maximum torque of 205 Nm. Exclude the extreme test, Tiggo performance is quite good, but does not lose tone effect has been quite the car of the SUV unique sense of tough, seems Unibody with the late British LOTUS (Lotus) chassis tuning power Not no.Recommended models: BYD S6 BYD S6 shape, I believe that all people will see such a sigh, "how so much like Lexus? As its first SUV, will inevitably go draw on the road, but BYD S6 who can be described under the foot work, in addition to the large body configuration, S6 is Unibody, and strive to competition is relatively not so to find a place for itself in the fierce autonomy of urban SUV market.On the interior, BYD still imitate the design style of the Lexus, but joined the more innovative elements, but also improved in the selected materials, in order to highlight the S6's comfort and luxury in many parts can come into contact with soft material coated the entire center console also uses a higher grade of some polymer materials to improve the overall texture. BYD S6 space is another full of competitive advantage in a few days after the test drive and to use, you will find that it is fully able to meet those critical users of space, front and rear design of both the head or legs space have a very good extension. Front driver's seat 6-way manual adjustment and is equipped with a handrail, while the rear three-stage seat can be easily tipped over, while it is equipped with a binding child seat buckle, such a configuration even in some mainstream Japanese Intermediate The car is not equipped with.The S6 offers two engine displacement BYD483QB 2.0L and 4G69S4M 2.4L engine. 2.0L models have the largest 103Kw/6000rpm power and 186Nm/4000 of 4500rpm of maximum power. While the 2.4L models, the maximum power up to 118Kw/5000 ~ 6000rpm, maximum torque 216Nm/3500 ~~ 4500rpm. Mainly the pursuit of economic and reliable day-to-day needs, while the suspension design is the emphasis on comfort, the front suspension is McPherson independent suspension rear suspension uses McPherson with a three-link independent suspension. SUV models, we have to mention their off-road performance. The S6 has a 190mm ground clearance, road sections encountered in city driving or minor groove ridge can not be overemphasized, but if it is the exposure to the field I am afraid a little powerless. This is also consistent with the BYD S6 to develop market positioning --- a city vying for market share of the cost advantage  http://www.obd4u.fr/854-espace-de-promotion SUV products. S6 will copy the F3 sales brilliant? Let us wait and see.


Recommend manually sporty- Mazda 3 star Cheng car manual

Changan Mazda announced at the Chengdu  GM Tech 2 Auto Show Mazda 3 star Cheng officially listed, the listing models 1.6L and 2.0L displacement, depending on its configuration, launched five models, priced from 112,800 yuan to 153,800 yuan. On the price, the Mazda 3 star Cheng and old models remained the same price range, but the older models in the top models with prices rarely enhance. Changes in the price performance value for money, the five models in addition to the power system configuration, Which model most cost-effective, we will start our today's topic with this problem.In contrast to their configuration, let's look at the Mazda 3 star Cheng. The appearance of design, we will not feel strange, because the hatchback version of the same shape Mazda 3 the form of imports on the domestic road ran two or three years. Strengthen the family mask is the Mazda 3 star Cheng the most obvious change in appearance, unique grille design with the level of performance full of personality. Rear of the changes is not really obvious, but it gave us plenty of fresh, rich ridge design to increase the visual layering.For the performance of the shape dynamic fashion, not just in the design, in body color, the Mazda 3 star Cheng, a mysterious cloud of white, Ascot black, gray tone, Star Silver, eyes empty blue and show off the red in six colors, including eye empty blue and show off the red is the most prominent, the positioning of its young fashion seems to be more appropriate. Interior, the Mazda 3 star Cheng There are two colors, but we can not be free to choose. Models equipped with 1.6L engine used on the shallow depths of the design gives a warm feeling, 2.0L models use all-black interior, highlights its own characteristics in sports.
Power, the Mazda 3 star Cheng's equipped with the 1.6L engine with the engine on the old models, an increase of VIS variable intake manifold system and the use of the electronic throttle. In which the variable intake manifold system refers to the different engine operating conditions, the switching valve in the intake manifold with a different length intake manifold, so that the combustion efficiency of the engine to be effectively improved. 1.6L engine into a more advanced engine technology, but the dynamic parameters of the point of view, does not increase, the maximum torque but reduces the 1N · m, this tiny change in our daily driving, you should not feel . However, this improvement is not redundant, with the old models than before for the Mazda 3 1.6L manual Cheng, combined consumption of the Ministry of Mazda 3 100 km fuel consumption reduces the 0.4L higher combustion efficiency and fuel consumption while maintaining the power output decreased.
As regards, more powerful 2.0L engine with power system and any change in the maximum power of 110kW (150 hp) and maximum torque of 182N · m. However, rather than with the gearbox because of the different engine and different models use a five-speed manual and four-speed manual gearbox, 1.6L, 2.0L engine with six-speed manual and five-speed The automated manual gearbox, compared to the old section of 2.0L model Mazda 3 star Cheng changes can be described as a qualitative improvement.
Previously, we have the 2.0L automatic transmission models tested, one hundred kilometers to accelerate results in other than 10 
Ford Ids Vcm seconds, compared to competitors with the same level on the power performance is somewhat Nabuchushou, but it there is a six-speed manual gearbox optional, believe that the manual model in acceleration performance more in line with the characteristics of its movement. The dynamic performance is not the strengths of Mazda 3 star Cheng, however, a good sense of manipulation we recognized, if you like driving pleasure, the Mazda 3 star Cheng believe it will not let you down. Mazda 3 star Cheng comfortable, elite, sports and luxury four configurations, comfort and elite equipped with 1.6L engine and comfortable choice of manual and automatic.Comfort is a full line of entry-level models, and manual and automatic models, priced at 112,800 yuan and 122,800 yuan, the million difference is only due to the different transmission, and other configuration identical. Comfortable in appearance compared with other models not equipped with front fog lamps and skylights, so we easily can identify which car is the comfort. Although there is no fog lights, but on the other configuration, the Mazda 3 star Cheng did not like the other Japanese brands, and performance too low with the. Remote keyless entry, steering wheel and four-way adjustable front center armrest, height adjustable headlights and rear backrest in proportion into all standard equipment.The performance of the configuration, the Mazda 3 star Cheng comfortable performance to a more practical and suitable means of travel. Still, reversing radar, did not appear on the 1.6L models, more and more now on the road novice, this equipment still has a very high value in use. I think if the headlight height adjustable replaced by radar, it seems more appropriate. Mazda 3 star Cheng 1.6L Elite is priced at 128,800 yuan, it is only a with a 4-speed manual gearbox models than the automatic comfort in the selling price increase of 6000 yuan. In appearance, the type of elite front fog lamps, power sunroof, and other aspects of the two cars exactly the same.On the interior, the Elite is equipped with a leather-wrapped steering wheel and gear knob, and feel there should be a small improvement after a leather-wrapped, I believe. In addition, above the center console also adds a 3.5-inch board computer display, white on black display is clear and easy to read, so that drivers can more comprehensive understanding of the vehicle condition. The above is the configuration of the Mazda 3 star Cheng 1.6L models contrast, the comfort of one of the entry-level configuration is pretty good, a lot of practical configuration are equipped with, but compared to the price of 6000 yuan higher elite, the increase in the configuration even more value for money, cost-effective but also better, so if you consider the 1.6L models, the Elite is more worthy of recommendation. As the elite 5-speed manual gearbox it is a bit sorry for friends who MB Star C3 like manual transmission.

Stylish space H530 competitiveness analysis

Compact family car market competition is most  Ds 708 intense, this is understandable, because we have too many basic consumer needs an inexpensive family cars as a means of independent brands and joint venture brands attach great importance to this market segment. Once glorious moment of the Chinese car finally have action, it is equally important in this market, and released their new car H530, today we have to analyze it at this level competitiveness.About China H530 H530 listed on August 29, the early launch of the four models equipped with 1.6L engine 8.58-10.38 million selling price competition in the compact car market. Compact car sales in China Motor Junjie cross Junjie FRV and Junjie FSV, product line and is not rich, and somewhat similar, several partial old car models, although there is a new generation, there are new, but still can not be left Consumers now deep enough impression. China H530 to locate the same household compact car, the purpose is very clear, stable market for the Chinese car in the compact car reopen to establish a brand reputation.We have nothing to be avoided, many independent car has borrowed from the design of other luxury brands, it is clear, H530 China draws on the design of the BMW, but can also see a lot of new Junjie's shadow. H530 shape emphasizes dynamic, headlights with daytime running lights of God, but the light group is slightly more complex; biased movement of the front bottom of the siege, full chrome grille particularly at first glance, it seems the entire design attention to detail. Very modern interior design, without any old-fashioned, many people feel that in the control reference for the A4L, test drive a real car, colleagues told me that interior details of the deal well, better than the same level of own-brand models, which one thing I can to China H530 a high score. Center console highlight of the entire design looks better than the other models of the same level. Addition, the center console, a large area chrome-plated material, rich second generation modification and ultra-running is often so dry in my mind, but the sun is strong is will not dazzling, like the R36 interior; or will not easy residual greasy fingerprints, but I have to count features.Semi-independent trailing arm suspension, 1.6L naturally aspirated engine, a five-speed manual or five-speed automatic transmission, chassis, suspension and power these are compact family cars most commonly used combination. As for their performance, we can only wait for the test article to our results, standing in the competitive analysis perspective, cars are not the ultimate pursuit of, the doctrine of easy to use the best there is not much difference between these hardware and opponents often family cars users are most concerned about is the fuel consumption. China H530 wheelbase 2700mm, height 175cm experience in the front head space of the punch, the rear legs and head can be left in space in the family, fists above and 4 refers to, in the compact car wheelbase already at a higher level, with the wheelbase level there, and Wyatt and Peugeot 408, two of the basic car is not the direct rival of the H530.Only 1.6L four models, the price range is 8.58-10.38 million, given the price somewhat challenging, more than 100,000 yuan can buy entry-level models of the joint venture brands, such as Polaris, Sega. Comprehensive consumer psychology, H530 China more competitive family car market with its own brand as well as joint venture brand models. Price range and H530 conflict of brand models, Chery A3, BYD L3, Pentium B50, sun, dihao EC7, Familia, Cerato, as well as preferential great Excelle and Corolla, these cars will be in the price and H530 overlap, but Detailed analysis, BYD L3 cost is not high, Familia is still not in the market and eat it, consumers value Excelle and Corolla are more conservative, like buying the Jetta, willing to get down to buy a mature models, so In summary, China H530 the most direct rival is the ...
Chery A3 has a strong ability to configure the table seen the ESP and independent suspension can always talk about the absolute focus, I believe if you go to Chery 4S stores, their sales will doom to emphasize this point. Imperial EC7 positioned itself as a higher 1.8L displacement is not only able to meet the needs of the dynamic looks and more the face, especially in the second-tier cities. Although the Pentium B50 is its own brand, but the mature power system (Sagitar 1.6 engine) (Mazda 6 chassis and suspension) it seems to have in the hardware capital. DYK Kia Cerato is a joint venture brands of the same level of the price of conflict with China H530 models, but the influence of the joint venture brand whether to suppress the H530 configuration advantage?China H530 is equipped with Mitsubishi
BMW GT1 4A9 engine, manufactured by Shenyang-Mitsubishi. 4A9 series compared to the significant aging of the 4G1 series, optimizing the engine ignition, the ignition by the grouping changed to a 4-cylinder independent ignition, more precise control of ignition timing; engine uses aluminum material to reduce weight, and timing chain and double- overhead camshaft structure, increasing the Mitsubishi MIVIC variable valve timing technology. We are familiar with the 4A9 series engines may Junjie FSV V3 Ling Yue on board a large area, 4A91, 4A91 for the 1.5L displacement, 4A92 for the 1.6L displacement engine torque than the 4A91 slight upgrade, the biggest power of 119 horsepower (87kW) / 6000rpm, maximum torque of 151 cattle / 4000 rpm.4A92 four-cylinder engine maximum power of 118 horsepower (87kW) / 6000 turn, the maximum torque of 151 cattle m / 4,000 rpm, compared with the 1.6L engine models of competitive products, although not very obvious advantages, but in no way a disadvantage, only inferior Chery A3. I opened the 4A91 engine V3 Ling Yue, acceleration power output directly, If the power loss of the H530 is within the normal range, then driving up should be light, of course, the 1.6L engine will not bring us any passion, after all, Taiwan family cars.In the gearbox, can clearly see the advantages of the Pentium B50, six speed automated manual gearbox with closer physical structure, transmission smoothness and fuel economy better, Imperial EC7 automatic models with CVT structure stepless transmission, smooth comfort is the most important feature of. China H530 5-speed automatic transmission also is good. Through the engine and gearbox, we can see, China H530 is definitely not the leader's role, but it is absolutely mainstream. H530 China's suspension of the competition than there is no advantage 5 car, H530 and Imperial EC7 trailing arm suspension, and the remaining models are all independent suspension. Although we know that five cars in the same household location regardless of the suspension form, and they certainly are not suitable for intense driving, the suspension tuning is biased in favor of comfort. Therefore, even if their structure is different, but driving and ride up the difference will not be much, which is reflected in the vibration control and damping of the soft and hard, there will be the ultimate in performance suspension feel very moderation.Wheelbase and ride space is most closely related to the previous page we've already demonstrated, height 175cm experience in the back of the space should be plenty, there is little compact car legroom can be achieved fists. Compared with their rivals space is a big advantage of the H530. Perhaps you will say, Pentium B50 is only smaller than the H530 a 25mm, you may wish to read the B50 article "trend of young design test drive FAW Pentium B50, height 178cm experience in the B50 rear space is very cramped. The reason is simple, the complex structure of the suspension at the expense of space.
Currently on the market, its own brand Why is it difficult large area to capture the market, people the concept is on the one hand, we do not. Products, the technology of its own brand vehicles excellent and state-of-the-art engine and transmission technology, most of them are dependent on the joint venture brands, but these techniques have partial old design and process models are difficult to meet consumer aesthetics, we can learn from short-term tolerance, but after all this is not a permanent solution.Own brand of good sales is how to open the market, since there is no advanced technology to convince consumers, then use low-cost high configuration, and now occupy a place in the brand mostly used this method in the market, such as BYD. Here
Digimaster 3 we take a look at the configuration of the H530 is competitive.