
Where to find police auctions for LKW Scanner seized cars

Finding the location of police auctions for seized cards can be tricky. They don't seem to be widely advertised for LKW Scanner some reason, I am guessing it is to save on costs. Anyway, I have found the best way to find them is to either use good ol' Google or find them advertised in your local newspaper. When searching on Google you probably won't find any useful results if you search for "my city police auctions". As police auctions are usually held at proper auction houses, the auction house doesn't usually refer to them at police auctions but just uses the term car auctions. This is because they may also be auctioning normal cars as well as seized cars.

So what you should be searching for is "my city auction house" or "my city car auctions". This will give you these best results. Of course not all auction houses sell seized cars so this is where you are going to have to pick up the phone. You will need to find their number and give them a call to see if they auction seized cars. It can be a bit time consuming but once you find one you will usually find that they will always do police auctions as the police just continue to keep using them

I have personally found a couple of adverts for police auctions in my local free community newspaper that's  MaxiDAS DS708    get popped through my door. I think advertise in the local community paper as it has a very targeted audience which is all the audience that they are going for. Additionally, the police won't have a lot of money to go towards advertising these auctions which is why the use the cheaper free papers. Although it still costs them to advertise it is not nearly as expensive as a city wide paper.

