
You may run into a little something Tech 2 Scanner

Vehicle spontaneous combustion risk only to a certain extent, to restore our economic losses, but to ensure that a large part of Tech 2 Scanner  human spontaneous combustion incidents are due to aging or insulating rubber damaged circuits, connectors, and virtual access to oil spills and other conditions caused by fire. As each line is not exposed to the body surface, so many drivers neglect its inspection and maintenance. Spontaneous accidents are due to a large part of the circuit aging or damaged rubber insulation, fittings and virtual access to oil spills and other conditions caused by fire. As each line is not exposed to the body surface, so many drivers neglect its inspection and maintenance.

We first want to clean up the engine compartment for simple, clear leaves and other combustibles, as well as pipelines, oil cap at the oil. Then for each pipeline insulation rubber checks to see if it appears damaged or broken, if found to have broken the phenomenon, we must be replaced as soon as possible. Also check the various connectors: insurance, as well as the positive and negative battery cable connector for virtual connection or loosening. If found loose or virtual access phenomenon promptly fastened on it.

  Finally, check the fuel delivery pipe there is no oil leakage, oil leakage if found to have occurred, should be Vetronix Tech 2  replaced as soon as possible to the 4S shop. In addition, the fuel tank cap must be determined in a tightened state. Avoid spontaneous combustion is not difficult, we must first develop a good inspection, cleaning habits, regular car some circuits, circuit line to be checked and promptly clean up the engine compartment. If you find that line the surface of the insulating rubber cracking, aging and even serious damage, etc., there is a short proof of it hidden, it should be treated as soon as possible to the repair shop.

If we unfortunately encountered a spontaneous accident, how do we deal with? I believe many people have no experience of such events, we want to follow: calm handling and reduce losses to deal with the principle of spontaneous incidents. First, in the early stage of spontaneous combustion fumes and odors. When we smell the burning smell or detect smoke appears, we must be vigilant. Best to immediately stop the vehicle at the roadside, to take appropriate measures or waiting for rescue. If you do not know how to handle BMW OBD1-OBD2 Adapter   , you can first car valuables, flammable items out of the car and reduce losses.

