
Failure teaches you self-repair Immo Emulator

Car horn is frequently used device while driving, if used often monosyllabic, sound quality is poor, and the Immo Emulator   good times and bad, and sometimes did not ring fault, caused much inconvenience to the owners. Car speakers do not sound or abnormal sound how to do? Car horn how to perform routine maintenance and self-repair speaker failure of the above, you should first distinguish between the speaker's own line failure or malfunction.

Let's look at the speaker is how it works. When you press on the steering wheel or other location horn button, the current from the battery flows through loop electromagnetic horn relay coil, solenoid relay attracts the moving contact switch is closed, current will flow to the horn at. Current solenoids inside the horn, so that the vibration of the vibrating membrane sound.

       Line fault line is mainly virtual access, such as: speaker plug terminals loose, horn relay contact ablation, steering wheel horn switch at the poor contact. However, in many speaker failure, especially in winter, the problem is the speaker itself many failures. If a long honk horn contact ablation and could easily lead to an impedance, the  KIA Immo Emulator  current flowing through the solenoid weakened, unable to attract the armature electromagnetic suction decline driven diaphragm normal vibration, resulting pronunciation husky, do not even ring. But constantly honking, if the instantaneous current through the resistance is still strong to work properly, it will be good times and bad.

Although the inside of the horn is closed, but if Mifengbuyan car wash interior space into mist or water vapor in the air, moisture vapor can easily lead to contacts does not work. Some speakers inside the solenoid terminal connector is enameled aluminum rivets crimped connections, non-solid welded connections, if the ends of the insulated lacquer enameled wire without a net or rivet crimping insecure easily generated virtual connection failure, resulting in poor working horn . Such failures are horn quality reasons, can not be repaired, only replaced with new parts.

Screw slider cause spills or rod loose, it does not work. Then can flatten the original screw with a hammer, then tighten it increases both the expansion is good, but not  VAG IMMO Emulator  many times demolished, until the next time maintenance repairs. Motor vehicles in use, found that leak from the tank, the leaks can be wiped clean with soap or bubble gum coated in oil spill at a temporary blockage; epoxy adhesive patch, the better.

