
Tire codes of gm tech2 practice

(1) Note that the tire pressure is too high, too low  gm tech2   tire pressure can cause unusual tire wear, and shorten the life of the tire. In a relatively harsh climate in the winter and summer, in accordance with the recommendations of the service station on a regular basis to adjust the tire pressure.
(2) the road to avoid hard acceleration car suddenly starts from rest state, the tire and the road to dramatic friction accelerated tread wear.
(3) reduce the emergency brake emergency braking exacerbate local tread wear, easy to cause the tire from the package, the phenomenon of delamination, should use more of the coastdown, less braking, especially the emergency brake.
(4) Economic speed fuel economy Province consumption at high speeds for long periods of time, not only the increase in fuel consumption, but also make the tire temperature is a sharp increase in the tire and road surface slippery drag rate increases, are detrimental to the protection of tires and parts.
(5) The wheels transposition car load of the 
volvo vida dice  front and rear axles, resulting in four uneven tire wear, the general traveling 5000 km new tire should be the same side of the front and rear transposition. Traveling 10,000 kilometers, before and after the cross-transposition.
(6) in the same car Shen installed dissimilar tire tire the same car Shen installed two different specifications, because their pattern design, quality, and the diameter of the technical parameters are not the same, if the two different specifications of the tires mounted on the same The shaft will cause oversteer or less prone to sliding. The light affects the car's handling flexibility, the weight will cause a car accident.
(7) parking locations select parking site selection is good or bad, on the life of the tire also has some influence, so the driver selects a parking place should be careful not to park your car the lossy tires of the oil slick, sharp ice, snow, and other road; parking in the slope should avoid traveling on the ramp; Summer Driving For parking, you should select the shade to avoid tire exposure to the sun; cold season driving For parking, you should choose sheltered sunny place prevent the tire and the ground frozen. (8) worn tires should be promptly eliminated As for the tire eliminated, depends on the degree of 
launch x431  wear and tear, to be replaced when signs of wear revealing Do not delay! Tire in a dangerous state at this time, but also causes the increase in fuel consumption. In addition, for safety reasons, tire replacement should pairs replaced, can the new replaced the tires play a good performance.

