
Oil overfill cause vehicle obd2 tool breakdown

Some owners believe car maintenance, is nothing  obd2 tool  more than an oil change, check the oil line, so maintenance is not necessary to the 4S shop or repair shop to buy their own barrels of oil, would like to increase the number to increase the number of. Recently have the owners of oil plus overfilled and cause the car fails. In this regard, the automotive repair professionals said that the oil is not added more the better.

Case: oil fill cause oil leakage

Nancheng Seriburi it comes to the things of their vehicles, and a look of regret. Seriburi in December last year to buy a new car, self-drive home in the New Year, the first maintenance is 5000 km or three months, Mr. Zhu would like nothing more than a change of oil, maintenance, and do not need to 4S shop to do the maintenance, and the first free maintenance, and decided to go to use in the second maintenance. Therefore, Mr. Zhu in his hometown to buy oil, home village and a small repair shop to replace results Seriburi oil to buy more, not willing to lose, he commanded the people try to fill the repair shop. Results during the Spring Festival in the car, the car began the oil leaking and burning oil.

Seriburi way worried about the car 
elm327   back to Dongguan, immediately took the car to the 4S shop for check-ups. Upon inspection of the 4S shop told Mr. Zhu said, the car is such a phenomenon, mainly because before Mr. Zhu will be the oil plus too full causes car engine carbon deposits more now, combustion chamber burning oil is too full .

The viewpoint: Oil Cadogan will hurt car

In this regard, the automotive repair professional people Shiwei master said, many owners total oil to fill a good thing. In fact, oil Cadogan, but it hurts the car. Car to keep bearing journal benign lubrication, need oil to act as the smooth agent effect, otherwise it will aggravate the wear and tear and even lead to burning the ZWZ incidents likely to cause agencies running resistance is increased. However, the oil 
BMW GT1  Cadogan, will be likely to cause the oil flying, may result in the combustion chamber burning oil to produce coke.

