
Spring car respiratory maintenance Auto Diagnostic Tool is the key

Warming spring weather, rain, haze Auto Diagnostic Tool from time to time, the respiratory system of the car, like people, need to experience a more stringent test. Cars and people, when the season there will be some discomfort, if maintenance shall not be treated but will it suffer from a severe form of the disease, and therefore need careful treatment of the majority of owners are automotive interior and exterior cleaning, as well as the maintenance of key components.
Clean air inside the vehicle
Into the spring, the weather became warm and humid the seemingly clean car, in fact, also hidden many invisible bacteria, mites, and still exudes a pungent odor, so it is necessary to clean the air inside the vehicle.
The spring car dust and food debris easy to breed bacteria and mites, Spring is respiratory disease prone period, small interior space, ride among the most vulnerable to each other infectious. Generally speaking, there is a steam sterilization and photocatalyst two ways.
Steam sterilization mouth spray the 
lexia 3  steam engine steam at the ceiling, seats, and velvet, air conditioning vents, dashboard, trunk, up to 130 ℃ steam ejected by steam engine kill vehicle harmful bacteria, and remove the air the odor.
Photocatalyst sucked photocatalyst sprayed on the ceiling, the purpose of the non-contact operation countertops, door around the tiny substances such as bacteria, mites, odor broken down into carbon dioxide and water, so as to achieve sterilization, deodorant.
Two filter timely dust
Cleaning dust into the spring, to be important to the car accessories is a very important task. Automobile parts, if too dirty, will lead to deterioration of the filtering effect. To excessive impurities into the oil line cylinder, exacerbated by mechanical wear, increase the likelihood of failure; severe blockage, also lead to a vehicle is not working properly.
To the number of the most important air filter and cabin air filters. The car is in use, the general ambient air quality is better maintenance cycle regularly replace the air filter on it. Poor air quality of the surrounding environment, you should pay attention to the 
Launch X431 GX3   air filter clean air filter is too dirty, will enter the amount of air in the cylinder to reduce, resulting in the decline of the dynamic performance of the car, not to mention speed up. Cabin air filters should be cleaned periodically during use or replacement, or clogged filter will prevent and reduce air into the evaporator tank, air conditioning, although very large, but still do not feel cold, and some vehicles the car is also accompanied by odor.

