
Fuel Autocom CDP Pro consumption increased inventory

1, the engine too much coke
Result within a short time the  
Autocom CDP Pro   engine too much coke reason, the use of unsuitable oil, this case is more likely to occur after a long drive returned or lent to others. Driving long distances, will certainly add fuel everywhere, even the same label fuel around the oil quality are not the same, so is likely to misuse inappropriate oil. The car lent to others to use, and more difficult to control the quality of oil added.
Solution: add a certain amount of detergent refueling, if the effect is not obvious, the more coke within the engine, this situation must be to drive to the 4S shop, cleaning the carbon deposits in the engine by the professional and technical personnel . And after cleaning, the best we drove for some high-speed, this will help increase the displacement, so the strong airflow with larger coke particles.
2 vehicles damaged oxygen sensor
As the automotive internal control unit, oxygen sensor to monitor the engine oil and gas ratio, once damaged, it will cause the engine oil 
Autocom Cdp Pro 2012  and gas ratio imbalance, will certainly be a sudden increase in fuel consumption. The oxygen sensor is damaged, the vehicle is in the process of moving, exhaust tube will be discharged darker exhaust.
The solution: replace the oxygen sensor to the formal 4S shop, some owners may be cheaper plans to repair at the roadside stalls, but after the replacement, must be in a hot car (oxygen sensor is working at high temperatures) and then detector test again, see fluctuations in the signal output is the real thing. As in the case of vehicles does not work, the oxygen sensor does not work, even installed a fake, not be read directly from the meter.
3, "filter" did not change for a long time
Vehicle in the course of three filters (oil filter, air filter, fuel filter) must be replaced periodically, if not change for a long time, they will become dirty greasy affect the use and to the engine The control unit sends the wrong information, resulting in inadequate fuel combustion, increased engine deposits.
The solution: according to the number of kilometers traveled regularly to the vehicle maintenance and replacement "filter".
4, the engine and a control unit in question
Although high reliability of the engine's electronic control unit, but in the longer useful life of the car, it is inevitable there will be one 
Autocom Cdp Pro For Trucks way or another failure. Such a Manifold damaged, loose bolts, such as the failure of an electronic component fillet joints open welding as well as resistors, capacitors, components. The engine control unit problems will lead directly to the vehicle difficult to start, increase fuel consumption, power, poor exhaust thick black.

