
X-431 Diagun Engine lubricating / cooling system resolution

In our daily keep a X-431 Diagun on a regular basis to replace the oil filter, check the tank water is essential for the project, which have an important impact on the performance of the engine. Oil tank water is an important carrier of the engine lubrication system and cooling system, and how they are the engine lubrication and cooling it? Let's work together to look at it.Internal engine friction between moving parts, such as crankshaft main journal main bearings, cam journal and cam bearings, pistons, piston rings and cylinder wall, and so on, these parts movement speed, poor working environment, they need proper lubrication to reduce wear and extend the life of the engine. Oil "blood" as the engine, the engine oil has a lubricating, cooling, cleaning, sealing and rust, and other effects, to periodically replace the oil has an important role on the engine.The repetitive lubrication oil, with the end of the worn metal dust and other impurities, such as not cleaning up but accelerate the wear parts. Filter oil filter must be installed in the oil trail. But for too long, as will become dirty oil, so the oil filter must be replaced after a certain mileage vehicles. Addition to have a lubrication system to reduce the friction between parts, the engine must also be a cooling system, good time to dissipate some of the heat of the heated parts in a timely manner, to ensure that the engine in the optimum temperature state. The engine cooling water-cooled and air-cooled in two ways, the general car using water-cooled engines. Water-cooled engine cooling system water pump, radiator, cooling fan, compensation tank, thermostat, engine block, cylinder head water jacket parts.That is how to cool it? Mainly through the pump so that surround the cooling liquid in the water jacket of the cylinder to accelerate the flow, traveling through the natural wind, and an electric fan so that the cooling liquid is cooled in the radiator, after cooling fluid is again introduced into the water jacket, the cycle, to achieve a cooling of the engine.In fact, in addition to have a cooling effect on the engine cooling system, as sbb key programmer  well as the "insulation" effect because "too cold" or "overheating", will affect the normal working of the engine. This process by the size of the loop "in the engine cooling system thermostat switch. What is the size of the circulation of the cooling system? Can be understood as a simple, small circulation of the cooling liquid is not passing through the radiator, while the large loop of the cooling liquid is passed through the radiator.Diesel and gasoline engines is the most common car on two power plant, is different because of the different fuel, diesel and gasoline engines work. Mainly in the following aspects, the first jet way is not the same as gasoline (except direct injection engine) is a mixture of gasoline and fuel into the cylinder, while the diesel engine is direct diesel is injected into the cylinder filled with compressed air.Rotor piston of the engine is a flat triangle, the cylinder is a flat box, the piston is mounted eccentrically in the cavity. Gasoline combustion-generated expansion force acts on the side surface of the rotor, which will be one of the three faces of the triangle rotor toward the center of the eccentric shaft and the piston within the cylinder under the action of the centripetal force and the tangential force, a planetary rotational movement.Hybrid cars generally hybrid, is the use of the fuel engine and electric motor to power cars. The means may be in the hybrid vehicle to decelerate the vehicle, the braking energy recovery, when going downhill, and by the motor to power cars, so its relatively low fuel consumption, but the car is relatively high prices.

