
Chery Land Rover, Analysis of the marriage event

Chinese auto consumers have been independent  MB Star C3 car prices are the love-hate relationship with the invasion of the joint venture of independent models from last year, the national policy on the part of the city car restrictions, rising oil prices, independent car firms are facing from all side impact, it was said that 2012 will be the level of China's own car "Sheng Sijie. In this situation, Chery and Jaguar Land Rover will set up a more interesting message of the joint venture, Chery marriage Jaguar Land Rover in the edit view, it would break Sheng Sijie one of the ways, but the road can go far? Whether to go through?As early as the end of 2010, Chery was first exposed with the Subaru car "love relationship", and Subaru also has a positive recognition of the joint venture negotiations with Chery, when the overseas media reports, Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. and Chery plans to invest 30 billion yen ($ 360 million dollars) to invest and build factories in Dalian and put into operation in 2013. Turn in August 2011, Chery and Subaru's joint venture has entered the final stage of negotiations.It seemed that this pair of lovers is about to become a "couple", but blocked the joint venture approval procedures, the construction of production plans to re-adjust the news spread like wildfire, eventually led to the Chery Subaru missed the "marriage". Subsequently, the Jaguar Land Rover to seize the opportunity, before and after the end of 2011, the major media have reported Chery in turn hand in Jaguar Land Rover, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and the Israel Group investment in accordance with the equity ratio of 50:50 to set up independently operated joint venture vehicle enterprise "concept caused Automobile Co., Ltd. in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province, held the opening ceremony of the new company, this series of behaviors, Chery became the 2011 scandal largest independent car prices.
The status of a joint venture situation: March 1, 2012, Chery Automobile and Jaguar Land Rover announced, the two sides have reached an agreement to establish joint venture in China, will be a 50:50 share than the form of a joint venture. According to domestic media previously reported, both the agreement also includes the production of Jaguar Land Rover domestic models, production joint own-brand models, supporting the production of engines, marketing joint venture to produce automotive products, the establishment of R & D center.
Reality do not need the bread of love, emotion alone is to maintain love how many can really withstand the test of this statement is equally applicable on car prices, In fact, for Chery Jaguar Land Rover, their hearts also has its own "Little 99". I will Analysis of the two sides combined with the true intentions behind.1 with Jaguar Land Rover to improve product awareness, enhance brand image: For any company, brand image, say a little
Ford Ids Vcm  empty intangible assets will be rather more attention in the minds of Chinese consumers, the autonomy of domestic car prices gives impression is often the low-end means of transport, most of that to buy own car because of its high cost, this is not only the helplessness of the Chery an autonomous enterprise, is the status of the independent car prices in China.China's own auto industry as a whole started late, after years of effort, and now own brand of small cars, compact cars only gradually be accepted, but in the field of high-end is still blank. I remember that last launch of Chery high-end brand Ruiqi Ruiqi G6, the price of its seemingly close to the joint venture brand models lead to dismal car sales. Although officials have been insisting to take the high road, and flaunt Chery has the ability to launch high-end products models, but the low-end image of its own brand of magic spell like a Monkey's head as if, from time to time so that Chery pain unbearable. The Jaguar Land Rover can work together, then the product image is bound to have been substantially elevated.
2 draw on learning the advanced technology of foreign car prices, technical integration of high-end image recognition rely on high-end models can be able to support so-called penny goods, independent domestic automotive products compared to the joint venture, imported brands do exist gaps and not be able to catch up overnight on the fact that Chinese consumers or independent car prices, have been able to rationally face. Already mentioned above, the content of the agreement, including the domestic production of Jaguar Land Rover models, supporting the production of engines, the establishment of R & D center in the actual operation of these projects, learning a foreign car prices advanced technology to enhance the quality of their own system of car is also Chery one of the "calculating".
Of interest to maximize profit for the sole purpose of business operations, an enterprise does not want to own infinite profits increase, Chery Automobile, the establishment of a joint venture of Chery Jaguar Land Rover, Jaguar Land Rover models, domestic, will be a certain extent, to make Chery to break through the bottleneck faced by the enterprise, the cycling of high-end product profit far Bi Qirui based on the
GM Tech 2 profitability of low-end products more profit.

