
The car does not burn gasoline change burning methanol OBD2 Scan Tool

Finished photovoltaic solar energy, we say  OBD2 Scan Tool another clean energy. Now gasoline prices soaring fuel costs only car owners, is spending a small fortune. Recently, some The Zibo viewers to call our hotline said, in order to save money, the number of private cars, especially taxis, burning gasoline into a burning methanol, that such a modified fly this, look at the reporter's investigation.
Practice the unauthorized alterations burn methanol, it seems unlikely, but the idea of ​​these converted stores boss come from? Fact, as early as February this year, the Ministry of Industry in Shanghai, Shaanxi and Shanxi carry methanol car experimental work, the methanol fuel is both environmentally friendly and save money. Do not be surprised, here methanol vehicle fuel is not pure refined methanol, but after a certain technical processing, in line with the relevant national technical standards, special fuel, methanol with those converted stores, but completely different.
Ministry of Industry and the promotion of methanol gasoline, M85 and M100 are two models, while Shanghai's main pilot high-purity methanol gasoline M100.
We now see this car, in fact, turned out to be gasoline vehicles, methanol gasoline vehicles apply to future modifications, now in use M100 methanol in the test run.
According to experts, the pilot vehicles are by the retrofit conversion devices ordinary car.
This is one of methanol gasoline conversion controller, this switch if there is no methanol with methanol, can be  
lexia 3 v47  switched to methanol mode, two modes it can operate normally.
An ordinary car, usually only takes a few minutes you can complete the installation of methanol gasoline conversion device, cost is no more than 1500 yuan Upon completion of the modification, the use of methanol vehicles and vehicles using petrol, in the process of moving basic no difference.
Dynamic, makes no difference, the power can also
Ding Jian told reporters the driver, his car using methanol as a fuel has been a good few months, a few months down the greatest feeling is that the cost of methanol is a lot cheaper than gasoline.
For example, 100 km petrol consumption of 75 yuan, plus methanol is about 100 kilometers 45 yuan, this cold weather, hot days, when the methanol is more economical than gasoline, hot days when burning gasoline at least to the more than $ 80 burning methanol is probably around $ 50.

