
Car Key Blanks the accumulation of carbon deposits and wear

The car must run the accumulation of  Car Key Blanks carbon deposits and wear caused by the cost of oil, power down the main engine life consumption.

Hazards of coke: coke affect injector atomization, spark plug discharge energy intake and exhaust valve clearance, piston wear;

Wear hazards: the wear and tear caused by the the engine resistance increases, the piston and the cylinder gap increases cylinder pressure decreased;

Carbon deposits and wear of the law:

A. The generation of carbon deposits and wear characteristics have diversity, and at any time:
A car running inevitably produce a trace accumulation of carbon deposits and wear;
2 harsh vehicular environment (congestion, low temperature, bumps, etc.) caused by the large accumulation of carbon
Ford car key blanks deposits, serious wear and tear;
3 bad driving operation (emergency refueling, brakes, sucking car, etc.), while resulting in damage engine combustion is not sufficient to produce coke;
4 low-grade fuel, such as low-quality automotive supplies or timely maintenance can cause serious carbon deposits and wear;
The five cold start oil state dry friction;

II. The main element has a circulation lead vehicle in decline, the cumulative characteristics:
1 the production of coke cause combustion performance, combustion performance will produce more carbon deposits accumulated thus further lead to to combustion deterioration and accelerated wear;
2 wear resulting decline in mechanical properties, mechanical properties of combustion performance decline 
Auto key blanks will lead to decline; It is not difficult to find the "coke", "wear" the lead vehicle in decline, and has at any time, diversity, repetitive, cumulative cycle characteristics of the law, they gradually accumulated cost oil gradually serious power decreased, resulting in the failure process, in this process, the formation of the huge cost oil accumulation effect.

