
Four-wheel drive off-road vehicles OBDII Circuit Board

Switch to supporting suspension conversion kit, elevated  OBDII Circuit Board chassis ground spacing to increase the vehicle's approach angle and departure angle, approach and departure angles larger the vehicle through better. Generally people will kind of misunderstanding is that the chassis ground pitch rise higher off-road capability more. In fact, please do not forget to off-road vehicles to travel big gap in the pavement around the body on both sides or pit wow the chassis ground spacing liter higher, the higher the center of gravity of the body, the easier vehicles turning side, or even overturned, be able to safely pass through the same conditions as the road speed immediately dropped. Chassis off the ground spacing between the center of gravity of the body, it is necessary to strike a balance.

    General chassis level rise will depend on the use, usually used in ordinary street vehicles moving generally take 2 to 3 inches higher suite, and increased slightly more technical players will car owners converted 4 to 5 inches, 6 inches above has been regarded as very professional and crazy modifications. At the same time elevated OBDII Code Info reduced efficiency of transmission system, increase the vertical height of the main reducer gearbox, drive shaft will also increase with the angle between the horizontal plane, not only will the loss of a certain power, at the same time will also increase the wear on the machinery. Usually professional practice interested in the location of the engine and gearbox to be adjusted for the slightly inclined, but the required action is very cumbersome.

    Increase suspension travel

    Bumpy mountain road, how to keep the four car theory has always been close to the ground, which is one of the very important indicator to measure the four-wheel drive off-road ability level in the game, we usually off-road vehicles can be seen through an extremely bumpy track four suspension constantly respective elongation and compression, the wheels Wholesale obd2 tools always stay on the ground, the amplitude of body roll but small, the action is very elegant. This is the long suspension travel's sake.

