
Said transparent "auto-sensing headlights "

Auto-sensing headlights (Automatic induction headlight), known as automatic headlights, ECU through a light sensor integrated in the interior mirror to determine the light intensity changes, automatic control to turn on or off The width light and near light.
Open self-sensing headlamps Note: ignition key to spin to the ACC position, control rod to hold down the lighting control lever to activate or release  of this feature in the top of 4S; knob should be rotated to "Auto" block functions. Finished in http://lexia3demi.blogage.de/ the central display or displayed on the dashboard.

Open automatic headlights, just keep in the "Auto" position, the light sensor can automatically change of the brightness of the light on the current road conditions in the adjustment of the light entering some underground tunnels, garages (to human eyes from the bright outside dark place happens feeling of vertigo, experienced older drivers will close their eyes in front of traffic well into the tunnel or garage, out dilated pupils biological principle is not bright) can provide additional lighting, without manual adjustment distract attention. Automatic sensing headlamps's advantage to reduce driver fatigue and ensure driving safety, but it is also less than the local. May frequent avenue or intermittent short tunnel traveling frequently open and close headlamps on the the headlamps life some impact.
A thermostat switch to take the signal from the water temperature sensor, high temperature disconnect, low-temperature bonding; thermostat switch B and A linkage Linkage Between A disconnect B bonding, and vice versa; photoresistor play a switch role-lit resistancesmall, low-light resistance tends to infinity, the multivibrator has played the role of a stable signal. Headlights work properly, according to the block diagram in black traces; forget to turn off the headlights when the owners get off the thermostat switch to the temperature of the water temperature sensor signal below the set value (for example, 60 ° C), the temperature control switch engagement, linkage switch is turned off, and photosensitive resistance, connected to the delay circuit headlights turn off after a certain delay.

The photoresistor setting in order to http://lexia3demi.quebecblogue.com/ determine whether the surrounding environment is dark, because the headlights lit  the dark, while the bright parking lot. Currently on the market most of the models with such automatic sensing headlights, high-end cars with voice prompt system to remind owners of headlights is not closed.
Some auto-sensing headlamps with auto-off function, and R & D-based help forgetful owners or in shiny car park parking forgets to turn off headlights. Schematic diagram of the working principle is as follows:

