
How to paint your own Fahrzeugdiagnose

If you're like me, you do not have in your shop a down draft spray booth luxury. Here is what I did. I cleaned my shop Fahrzeugdiagnose connected to the back of a storage room. I lined the walls with white poly, and placed in the window variable speed fan. I then sealed around a roll of tape and around the perimeter of the fan on the walls together. Now to the lamp. The first time you try to draw something, you'll soon learn good lighting is very important. In fact, when it comes to light, the bright area of ​​the better paint. A buddy gave me two four fluorescent lamps, this is my new painting hanging in my room on both sides. This is a good reflection wall. Lining the walls with white poly not only saves your walls, but it is also quite reflective.

Before I continue, I want to emphasize safety. This is a very bad connection to your house in a room, my idea to paint. In fact, it may not be legal in some jurisdictions. In addition, paint
Auto Schlüssel-Master im Angebot  fumes, not only super-toxic, they are highly flammable. Make sure your device is connected correctly, your device is completely closed, the lens cover to connect. Last but not least, is to ensure that you have a correct filter is what you use good quality paint respirator.

The tools you need at least two guns, air conditioners, water filters, compressors, of course, some air hose. As mentioned above, you need two primer paint spray gun ... one, and another painting base and varnishes.
Certain amount of fuel and oil tank pressure test, no leakage, then start. Ideally, this is a good sandblasting metal parts, especially if they have their old paint. If you choose not to sandblast, sand to ensure they really thorough and non-oil-based cleanser to wipe down before beginning work.

The next step is to fill the low spots and application areas of any trouble. This is a matter of personal preference, but I prefer the former spray epoxy primer coating sprayed 
AUTOBOSS V30 on the basis of coat. This gives a good foundation, filler stick. Prepare your packing small (fast), a smooth, uniform, and apply it to a part of you.

