
What is the Ford Ids Vcm onboard diagnostic system

The OBD is the English On-BOard, Diagnostics  Ford Ids Vcm  abbreviation translated into the onboard diagnostic system. OBD exists only in the electronically controlled fuel injection engine system. Difficult to achieve due to the shortage of petroleum resources and countries with increasingly stringent emissions regulations, relying on mechanical carburetor precise control of engine operation, the electronic device can be large-scale involvement in all aspects of the car running, the engine management system (ElVlS, Engine Management System) took to the fore, the relatively intuitive performance carburetor throttle the car is equipped with EFI cars are replaced. 
To understand the OBD must first understand the EMS. The core of the EMS is the ECU (Engine Contor Unit, the engine control unit), which  GM Tech 2  through the air flow sensor, speed sensor, temperature sensor, pressure sensor and the crankshaft position sensor, and many other sensors, real-time monitoring the complete engine operating conditions, according to the driver pedaling the case of the accelerator pedal, to control the fuel injector at the most appropriate time (i.e., the so-called injection advance angle) in accordance with the control strategy of the internal preset discharged most appropriate amount of the oil, so that the engine in the optimum air-fuel ratio under the condition, achieve the most perfect unity of power, economy and emissions. If the failure of a component of the power system, the engine is not working properly, causing the fuel injection disorders, leading to the exhaust of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), or fuel evaporation amount of pollution a or more of excessive emissions, even the engine is not running.

OBD was born in order to detect excessive exhaust emissions and quickly find the engine electronic control system failures. When failure, excessive emissions, fault warning light will flash to remind owners to repair station maintenance vehicles.From the 1980s onwards, the automobile manufacturers in the United States, Japan, Europe began its production EFI car equipped with OBD. OBD system because of its various different EMS is not the same, they each own  Ds 708    diagnostic interface design and custom fault code, each car has a set of special detection tools, to a great deal of maintenance testing inconvenience.


