
How to avoid car burning autoboss v30 oil

How to avoid the car burning oil? Caused by autoboss v30  burning oil because a lot of oil is volatile, engine run-in, etc. may cause the engine to burn oil, but these are all normal. Abnormal loss of oil, such as oil fleeing into the combustion chamber, it is necessary to strengthen the day-to-day maintenance of the car to reduce and avoid.
The automotive website Daquan recommended owners First, choose a good quality oil, good quality oil has better stability, to maintain proper viscosity engine high-temperature and high-speed, to ensure an effective seal to reduce oil consumption. Second, owners should develop the good habit of checking to do some routine maintenance, depending on the conditions of use, to a corresponding increase in the frequency of the useful life and mileage longer, or the vehicles are often used in harsh conditions, check. Is able to do regular maintenance of the vehicle, usually, the maintenance cycle 
elm 327   of 5000 km, each maintenance need to change the oil and oil filter.
Oil burning condition generally appears in the old car, new car burning oil is relatively rare, burning oil situation in general in the old car, because after prolonged use of the valve stem seals aging and will wear serious, have been unable to achieve a good sealing effect .
How to check the oil fleeing into the combustion chamber, there are several methods: One cold car in the morning to start the car, because this time the engine is not running for a long time, the oil will be under gravity into the cylinder through the valve stem seals the gap . Then start the engine, if there is a problem of burning oil, the oil in the cylinder under high temperature and pressure, the combustion of a large number of blue smoke.
Engine piston ring and cylinder wall between Mifengbuyan vehicle under hard acceleration, when the frequency of the piston rings and down movement to speed up the cylinder walls remaining grease easily piston rings into the combustion chamber resulting in burning oil. So you can choose the acute and step on the gas in place, to see if the blue smoke discharge. Exhaust pipe not only blue smoke coming out the 
launch x431 gx3   oil port occasionally pops out blue smoke, then the burning oil situation is quite serious, the traffic will be a major overhaul. If you do not pay attention, and wait until the oil pressure is too low engine alarm that the wear and tear on the engine.

