
Teach you based on the pattern selected X-431 Diagun 1 tires

 Each of the owners are aware, car tires is closely linked with the safety of our motorists regularly check tire maintenance tires, replacement tires are essential homework. However, in the selection of tires, but then the hundreds of different patterns, different types of tires screenwriters - tire tread will affect our actual use of it? Issue, we invite Cooper tire professional chefs give us a lecture, explore the knowledge of the tire tread. Text / Chart Deng Li
The basics of the tire tread
To understand the tire 
X-431 Diagun 1 tread, we must first know its "structure". In simple terms, the tire tread groove block and pitch constitute tread tire comfort, grip, handling, cornering, drainage and noise performance are closely linked. Next, the experts will be solid platinum sections of passenger car tires as an example to the detailed analysis of the tire tread role.

First class: single-oriented patterns: single-oriented patterns at the the assembled horizontal pattern and vertical pattern of both worlds at the same time, it also has excellent braking performance, wet and dry grip is superb and highly drainage performance, thereby enhancing wetlands driving stability, suitable for high-speed driving. Single-oriented pattern tire installation, the installation location must be the same as the direction of travel.
The second category: a non-symmetrical pattern: The characteristics of this type of pattern is the tread around both sides of the pattern shape is different. Outer tread designed for cornering  
 AUTOCOM CDP Pro and handling high lateral support surface, to ensure that the handling of the dry pavement turns. The inside of the tread to ensure better slip resistance when wet and slippery roads. Asymmetric pattern with superior stability when driving told, can bring extraordinary driving experience.

Third category: the block pattern: block pattern is often used in off-road tires, it is also referred to as a cross-country pattern. Between its groove is also connected to each other, was independent of the block structure. Off-road blocks and deeper grooves, which can improve the tire grip performance and traction. Special groove design allows the tire in the process of moving automatically remove stones and clods, help maintain the performance of the tire and prevent further loss.
Fourth category: Comprehensive pattern: Of course, some tire design will consider the advantages of the combination of all kinds of different types of patterns, such as a tire designed for urban SUV, it is the block pattern with a central rib tread design combined This will not only enhance the tire's handling and straight-line driving stability, but also to enhance tire grip and self-cleaning ability.
Tip: tire based on the pattern of election
Choice of tire tread, the car mainly pay attention to the analysis of the driving road conditions and personal driving habits. General driving surface is relatively stable, but the rainy suitable single-oriented tires; often traveling more pavement in the corners, but he likes to riders of high-speed driving, consider asymmetric tread tires; love to play off-road, or often in The number of vehicles traveling on the muddy, bumpy 
Autre key maker automobile  roads can select a block pattern of the tire. The same time, the owner must pay attention, the residual tire tread depth generally can not be less than 1.6mm If you find that your tread depth is about less than 1.6mm, the tire must be replaced immediately to avoid security risks.

