
What will happen after appear solar USB ELM327 V1.4 cell film?

According to statistics, automotive film USB ELM327 V1.4 development so far has gone through four times, various car film to do her best to their unique performance to attract different owners, and has won a number of loyal fans for themselves. Of natural selection, which is a timeless truth, car film is not life, but it had to be artificially upgrading even eliminated.

The first-generation automotive film, commonly known as tea paper, a coated composite process film, mainly block the sun, followed by staining film, vacuum thermal evaporation film and metal magnetron sputtering film have appeared, the name is getting longer and longer, but more powerful. Metal magnetron sputtering film is currently the highest glass membrane process, but after all, is expensive and is not suitable for the average consumer, so half past one can not completely replace the position of the other car film.

Recently there have been reports that Chinese-American scientist Yang Yang invented a transparent solar cell, this transparent solar cells are made ​​of thin film, can play the  BMW Airbag  role of the traditional automotive films, but also can provide electricity for the car, can be described in one fell swoop both. Preliminary experiments showed that this solar battery film of the sun heat absorption rate up to 30%, while more than 70% transparency, taking into account the transparency and endothermic rate. High toughness and strength of the polymer solar cell film, you can play a better role in the explosion-proof than the existing car film effectively resist the impact of foreign objects on car windows.

Just of the trial period, but it can be expected, such a solar cell film become a trend in the near future, even if can not replace the other car film is at least an equal footing may not be difficult.

Affordable and practical, this is a universal truth, almost no consumer would buy something expensive and not practical. The solar cell film as long as the genuine, to reduce the cost, given the price of a majority of owners can generally accepted to earn coins  Lecteur de code PIN  rolling in just a matter of time.

