
Car launch x431 gx3 frequent oil spills

The common vehicle oil spill reasons:

Products (accessories) poor quality, materials 
 launch x431 gx3  or workmanship, structural design problems.

Improper assembly, parts mating surfaces dirty liner breakage, displacement, or failure to operational procedures specification for installation.

The fastening nut screwed force uneven, the slide wire broken buckle or Songkuang shedding result in failure.

4 sealing materials after long-term use of excessive wear and tear, aging metamorphism, deformation failure.

The 5. Lubricants add too much oil is too high or mistake Fuel.

Parts (side cover class, thin-walled pieces) bonding surface flexural deformation, shell breakage, so that oil seeping.

The vent plug, after the one-way valve is clogged, due to the pressure difference inside and outside the tank shell, often 
opcom op com  caused by the sealing weak oil spill.

Vehicle oil spill prevention measures

Emphasis on cushioning effect between the car stand for parts parts liner plays a leak-proof seal. Materials, production quality, and installation does not meet the technical specifications, and would not achieve a leak-proof seal, even accidents. Such as the sump or the valve cover, the contact area is large and difficult to compaction, thereby causing oil spills. Regulations required car all kinds of fastening nut torque tighten loose pressure not tight liner would leak; too tight will make the screw holes around the metal bumps or threaded tighten the slip caused by oil spills.

Timely replacement of failed oil seal car parts (such as oil seals, O-rings) due to improper installation, journal and seal edge heart deflection and Lut oil. Some oil seals used for a long time due to rubber aging and loss of elasticity. Found leakage should update.

Avoid the one-way valve, vent valve is blocked this will cause the tank shell temperature, oil and gas fills the entire space, the emissions do not go out, so that the tank inside the containment pressure rise, increased lubricating oil consumption and shorten the  
elm 327 replacement cycle. Engine ventilation system clogged, increasing the resistance to motion of the piston, so that the increase in fuel consumption. The air pressure difference inside and outside of the tank shell, sealed weakness often lead to oil spills. Therefore required to carry out regular inspections of vehicles, and clear, clean.

