
Car autumn and winter maintenance Digimaster 3 skills

Replacement of oil is the most important Digimaster 3  part, because of the weather changes, the oil's viscosity will change, it will exacerbate the wear parts, the engine by varying degrees of damage. And lubricant itself is divided into two kinds of winter and summer, experts recommend either in Guangdong or winter lubricants in the north, the owner should be replaced as soon as possible. Especially using a longer time, the color black, poor adhesion of the oil should be replaced to ensure the engine starts running smoothly.

Also check the brake system, the long drive is not uncommon, Zhongshan owners encounter rain and snow is not impossible, so this is a critical step in for winter maintenance. Pneumatic braking the vehicle, reasonable adjustments to the the balance spring preload brake master cylinder. If the preload is too large, the brake will produce "hard" feeling, so braking on slippery roads are prone to accidents. If the vehicle hydraulic brake, the place to be careful to check for any leaks in the brake fluid, brake lines and brake wheel cylinder

Winter tire rubber will harden relatively brittle, friction coefficient will be reduced, so give the tires with air pressure is not too high, but more can not be too low, otherwise it will shorten the life of the tire.

Experts also advise the winter 
Airbag Reset  inclusions within the tread to always clean up, try to avoid using make up more than one tire, replaced the tire wear larger and different brands and pattern. Tire wear very different inside and outside, in order to ensure safety and reduce wear to the tires on a regular basis the replacement position.

