
Car obd2 choose pay more attention to safety

Along with the material is rich, feng shui obd2  began to pop up. New intake, the couple married, new store opening, furniture layout... ShiWuDaXiao, all want to please a master to see a look, not really believe all, but beg mind. Even cars, began to pay attention to the feng shui.
In the car place statue of Buddha, this is a car feng shui.
Whether useful, unknown and hope that the useful, but belong to the recessive. Faults are direct and explicit. Meet nasty cha, can fly up, become the bullet. In the narrow space, bind belt front passengers stop no stop. Perhaps you will say, Buddha is plastic, light, low damage. Don't look down on any items, a single accident, the owner was "cut throat", killer is a CD. Buddha even plastic, always little not edge.
In the rearview mirror hanging peace character, this is the second car feng shui.
Little hang a, hang a pinch of; Material has paper, cloth, jade, and iron and copper; Some can't uttered his voice, and some in the vehicle when shaking KuangDang noise. Due to the pinion, nasty cha, peace character will not become a bullet, but can significantly affect the driving field of vision, increases the blind area. Now car, for the pursuit of move feeling, the front view is small, some small to submarine almost. People then narrowed, obviously not wisdom. Due to the small field of vision and hit the child thing, no less happened. Even if not hit children, hit the kitten doggie, is enough to have a headache.
Select a particular color,  eobd2  this is the car feng shui three, common in JingShangRen.
Businessmen choose car choose black, this kind of color car, dignified, calm and steady, atmosphere, not anger from power, The Times have face. But black car nor weakness: one is to not be able to bear or endure dirty, a slight drop point grey, and quite obvious; The second is an accident probability is white car two times, more than a survey report and statistical data prove it, the reason is easy to identify the eyes of the one bright color, the dark is slow many.
Choose a lucky number, this is the most common car feng shui.
What is lucky number? "8", "6" the more the better, "4", "7" had better do not have. China any areas, five "8" number of car are hao car, little is one million yuan, -, ten thousand yuan. This kind of car recognition degree is extremely high, drive on the road, is not noticeable all difficult, the traffic police to see all magnifying glass - at least, the owner is heart think so. Shortcomings have, and are pretty deadly, it is easy to quilt cover card, deck is take a fancy to this flapper "cow", not easy to find. In other words, spent a fortune to buy a license plate back, may every month should puzzling a few extra ticket.
Say so many, not negative feng shui, The feng shui, opinions differ from each other. Cars can speak feng shui, if not at the expense of the security for the price. Have a friend channel, studied book of changes, specialty skills, when leisure, can give friends around calculate a diagram. He opened the car, relaxed, not any things, he said, in a relaxed mood, your head, remind yourself constantly pay attention to safety, the car  lexia 3   is the best of feng shui. Listen to, the author laugh, what you are car security experts, or feng shui masters?

