
The catalytic converter sbb key programmer serviceable

A service life of influencing factors1 car fuel with catalytic converter must use  sbb key programmer unleaded petrol. The lead in leaded gasoline and sulfur greatly reduce the efficiency of the catalyst. The lead catalyst compaction, forming a shell that impede the timely arrival of a catalyst exhaust pollutants and react. Therefore, the continuous use of leaded fuels will gradually weaken or eliminate the catalyst for the catalytic conversion of exhaust pollution. 2, engine conditions and the good working of the catalytic converter, the average internal temperature of up to 816 degrees Celsius, and above this temperature, the catalyst will melt or decompose, thereby reducing the operating life of the converter. While the engine is in the abnormal state, the exhaust gas entering the converter to contain an excess of compounds of the HC and the like, these compounds are the catalytic converter becomes a temperature high enough to melt the catalytic furnace. Even when the engine is in good condition and debugging have the time, it's inappropriate to use will generate excessive catalyst temperature. For example, in idle for a long time to launch one of the worst working conditions reduce the life of the catalytic converter. Smell prolonged idle, the engine produces more heat than normal road speeds. Therefore, the engine of the car with a catalytic converter each idling Never more than 10 minutes.3, the maintenance rules in order to prevent Lexia-3   excess emissions or fuel vapor during vehicle maintenance inspection reaches the catalytic converter and cause high temperature, should adhere to the following principles:(1) Check the engine cylinder work best with an oscilloscope without short-circuit method or way to remove the spark plug wire from the operation of the engine from the misfiring cylinder. Remove the spark plug wire or short circuit method for detecting suspicious cylinder, the engine is running, not to exceed 30 seconds oscilloscope.(2) the use of traditional transmission cars do cart starting, while application of the spare batteries and the jumper cable.(3) normal working conditions, such as spontaneous combustion, serious surge, the tempering or repetitive stall downtime repair, because of these conditions may result in permanent damage to the catalytic converter.(4) driving the vehicle is not to cut off the ignition switch.(5) When the ignition timing of the engine is intermittent, start the engine do not exceed 60 seconds.Second, the maintenance of the catalytic converter1, check the technical condition of the catalytic converter to check: Check the contents: abnormal noise (usually by the exhaust pipe joints loose, damage to the catalytic converter, catalyst replacement the Cesson action or loss caused); whether the crack peel or shell flattened like the appearance of  ford IDS VCM  damage; conduction converter exhaust pipe with or without perforations or damaged; whether the catalyst particles discharged exhaust tail pipe (particulate catalytic converter unique phenomenon, a discharge particles described converter dressed particles stainless steel basket components fragmentation).

