
Air conditioning engine tire needs mb star c3

Air Conditioning: at least a month mb star c3   to turn it on again, regular cleaning

In fact, even in the air-conditioning season, it is best to have to keep a month boot time usage so beneficial to extend its service life. In addition, the use of air conditioning long time, the air conditioning filter above the dust accumulated more will harmful mold blown into the car through the air conditioning, while also hinder the intake air quantity, greatly reduces the efficiency of the heating of the hot air, and therefore recommends that owners 4S shop regularly cleaning air conditioning ducts and air filter.
Hippocampal love still owners generally reflect the good results, the use of air conditioning, speed, and turn on the AC is not much impact on the power. But there are a lot of owners, including the hippocampus Love is still the owners, the air conditioning idle for too long, this approach is not correct.
Engine: choose the regular antifreeze, periodically clean the water tank, remember to warm up
Winter temperatures plunged, if the vehicle does not replace the antifreeze, the air temperature is below the freezing point of the antifreeze will make the water freezes expansion leading tank Donglie, the  
elm 327 engine can not operate. Owners to replace the antifreeze freezing point lower than the minimum temperature 5-10 ° C regular antifreeze products area to protect the normal work of the engine. Secondly, the tank engine rust, fouling will limit the flow of coolant in the cooling system, to reduce the cooling effect, cause engine overheating, and even cause engine damage. Therefore, regular cleaning of the water tank on the engine maintenance is also crucial. Many beginners do not know the winter to warm up, that warm the engine, which is essential. Cold car idle high, down to 800 rpm to wait / timeshare to Guadang the carriageway, otherwise not only damage to the vehicle parts, moving a lot of oil. Like hippocampus love still warm up 1-2 minutes. Hippocampal love still owners recognized the power of this engine performance and fuel economy performance, but sometimes overlooked replace the antifreeze tank cleaning warm car details, these are more or less affected the normal operation of the engine.

Tires: non-slip explosion-proof
The hippocampus Isotonix with 155/65R13 and 175/60 ​​R13 two tire specifications. At the same time, the hippocampus Isotonix have ABS (anti-lock brake system) + EBD (anti-slip brake system), to protect the safe driving of the vehicle on slippery, icy roads.
Even so, the owner can not ignore the importance of tire. Especially in the cold winter, the tire rubber hardens, relatively brittle, not only greatly reduce the coefficient of friction, and is also  
 Volvo PROSIS easier to leak, bar tires. The survey shows that the tire failure was considered to be the number one killer of the highway, the danger can be imagined. Vehicle owners is important to frequently check tire condition, if the injury or tread irregular wear, must immediately to the 4S shop inspection by professionals.

Car launch x431 gx3 frequent oil spills

The common vehicle oil spill reasons:

Products (accessories) poor quality, materials 
 launch x431 gx3  or workmanship, structural design problems.

Improper assembly, parts mating surfaces dirty liner breakage, displacement, or failure to operational procedures specification for installation.

The fastening nut screwed force uneven, the slide wire broken buckle or Songkuang shedding result in failure.

4 sealing materials after long-term use of excessive wear and tear, aging metamorphism, deformation failure.

The 5. Lubricants add too much oil is too high or mistake Fuel.

Parts (side cover class, thin-walled pieces) bonding surface flexural deformation, shell breakage, so that oil seeping.

The vent plug, after the one-way valve is clogged, due to the pressure difference inside and outside the tank shell, often 
opcom op com  caused by the sealing weak oil spill.

Vehicle oil spill prevention measures

Emphasis on cushioning effect between the car stand for parts parts liner plays a leak-proof seal. Materials, production quality, and installation does not meet the technical specifications, and would not achieve a leak-proof seal, even accidents. Such as the sump or the valve cover, the contact area is large and difficult to compaction, thereby causing oil spills. Regulations required car all kinds of fastening nut torque tighten loose pressure not tight liner would leak; too tight will make the screw holes around the metal bumps or threaded tighten the slip caused by oil spills.

Timely replacement of failed oil seal car parts (such as oil seals, O-rings) due to improper installation, journal and seal edge heart deflection and Lut oil. Some oil seals used for a long time due to rubber aging and loss of elasticity. Found leakage should update.

Avoid the one-way valve, vent valve is blocked this will cause the tank shell temperature, oil and gas fills the entire space, the emissions do not go out, so that the tank inside the containment pressure rise, increased lubricating oil consumption and shorten the  
elm 327 replacement cycle. Engine ventilation system clogged, increasing the resistance to motion of the piston, so that the increase in fuel consumption. The air pressure difference inside and outside of the tank shell, sealed weakness often lead to oil spills. Therefore required to carry out regular inspections of vehicles, and clear, clean.


Important to the maintenance and inspection of airbag

Airbag light still flashing 6-8 seconds after the vehicle is started or the light is not extinguished, said air bag failure during operation; vehicles, the airbag light blinks five seconds long bright, also said that the air bag failure, 4S shop inspection must be timely to deal with. "Professor Meng Fu said the vehicle during the boot process will have an OBD self-test process, including the detection of the airbag system.
Airbag failure and other vehicle breakdown different airbag design world there is no mandatory uniform standards, the airbags technical trade secrets belonging to various car manufacturers, are car manufacturers to develop their own standards. Different types of the same brand and grade different vehicle airbags standard airbag fault investigation and replacement must be to authorize the 4S shop. "Zhejiang nations, Wu said.
First, to the sales staff to understand the vehicle airbags key parts location. Whenever we should not knock or impact site where airbags. More water should not go directly flush airbags position or adventure wading damp airbags in the crucial moment can not protect your life. You should also avoid air bags and sensors in the environment of high temperature and electrostatic avoid triggering the airbag error to open.
Secondly, do not arbitrarily change the layout of the airbag system and its surrounding. Can not be tampered with in any lines and components of the system and change the bumper and the vehicle in front of part of the structure. The steering wheel and the passenger side airbag parts can not paste any decorations and strip, to prevent the impact of the airbag burst open.
Finally, the airbag must be with the seat belt use in order to achieve the best results. According to accident statistics show that up to 60 percent of three-point seat belt + airbag effective rate of protection, while only using airbags, only 18% of the effective rate of protection. In addition, a separate case of airbags, passenger airbag can easily pop up high-speed crash cause severe injury.
In addition, for the protection of smaller stature passengers (such as children), the airbags pop-up high-speed bullet wounds, some models in the glove box or center console location to install the front passenger seat airbag switch, such as Volkswagen polo, Beatles, etc. . If the front passenger seat sat Adult, Do not forget to check the airbag is turned on.

The auto defog coup opcom op com Share

Recently cold air not only bring cold opcom op com  and wet, the front windshield fogging trouble followed, the face of the old problem of the serious impact on traffic safety, the newspaper will share some auto defogging small coup.

The rub: the most primitive way is direct with a dry cloth to wipe the glass with a dry cloth or towel. Such scenes must have a lot of passengers are seen: old drivers were standing towel, taking advantage of the traffic lights, parking on the hard Cabo. Although this approach defogging many people, but it is relatively strenuous wipe will leave marks on the glass after, and soon will fog. And rub also prone to accidents while driving.

Open air conditioning heat the wind: netizens contribution method with air conditioning hot air defogging. In fact, automotive air conditioning and home air conditioning, like hot air function. Way is to start  
elm 327 the air conditioner, the temperature to warm air, air conditioning hot air drying the car fog. As a result, not only is the front windshield, around windows and bright and clean and translucent.

Detergent with dry cloth: a lot of people have mentioned some detergent Cabo wipe with a dry cloth. Choose a sunny day, take the detergent Duishui (1:6), and spread evenly with a sponge in the car on the glass, etc. Cleaning towel dry clean, leaving no trace. Two to three weeks in the general case updated to maintain the effect.

Windows left seam air convection: If the fog is not, we can be on either side of the window to open a gap (being unable to do so when it rains), so the car's air convection, the temperature inside the car slowly close to the outside temperature, the fog will disperse. Advantage that we can achieve the effect without increasing fuel 
launch x431 gx3  consumption and air conditioners, but this method is not all cases can be used, such as winter and rain when not.


Injured tires do not continue to use lexia-3 pp2000

Perhaps we all know that the tire pressure lexia-3 pp2000  changes as the temperature changes, the winter tire pressure is necessary to an adequate number. If the tire pressure is likely to lead to a flat tire. Xu owners told the author, under normal circumstances, the risk of loss of pneumatic tires puncture higher, if the tire loss gas also continued to travel, make the tire sidewall deforms the car a long time inside the tire will accumulate a lot of heat heat eventually lead to tire internal air pressure changes, causing a puncture.

It is reported that the tire loss puncture gas caused accidents account for almost half of the puncture accident, so it is recommended that owners usually must develop a good habit of regularly checking tire pressure. Owners can purchase a tire pressure monitor, every twelve weeks monitoring tire pressure can often visually to see whether the loss of gas tire. The most reliable way is to the 4S shop tested once every two weeks or a month.
Some owners think the tires, as long as not bad you can continue to use, tires are service life if the tire has expired will not be able to continue to use. Xu webmaster, under normal circumstances, the life of the tire in 2 years to 3 years, or about 60,000 kilometers traveled more than life or badly worn tires should be replaced.
It is reported that the shelf life  
Renault CAN Clip V120 of the rubber is generally about 5 years, and tire life with the use, storage, and other conditions are closely related, therefore, a vehicle to pay close attention to their own tires, once the tire aging, accident damage and wear serious and so on should be promptly replaced.

"Injured" tire generally refers to the leak on the tire sidewall is more complex, the road taken by the owners of the day-to-day driving and therefore bar tires phenomenon is inevitable. Xu the webmaster told reporters, tires pricks are generally positive leak can be repaired, can also be a good complement to the normal use, but if the tire sidewall or tire sidewall and tread angle between the leak can not be repaired, do not use it anymore even if repaired.
Xu webmaster to remind owners, everyday driving should always check the tires for damage, such as: to see whether the tire surface tie nails, cuts, and other phenomena, once the damage is found to promptly repair or replace. If you find that there are some stones in the tire grooves, have to be removed to avoid deformation of the tire crown. Also, do not  
Mb Star C3 let the tire contact with oil and chemicals.

Car autumn and winter maintenance Digimaster 3 skills

Replacement of oil is the most important Digimaster 3  part, because of the weather changes, the oil's viscosity will change, it will exacerbate the wear parts, the engine by varying degrees of damage. And lubricant itself is divided into two kinds of winter and summer, experts recommend either in Guangdong or winter lubricants in the north, the owner should be replaced as soon as possible. Especially using a longer time, the color black, poor adhesion of the oil should be replaced to ensure the engine starts running smoothly.

Also check the brake system, the long drive is not uncommon, Zhongshan owners encounter rain and snow is not impossible, so this is a critical step in for winter maintenance. Pneumatic braking the vehicle, reasonable adjustments to the the balance spring preload brake master cylinder. If the preload is too large, the brake will produce "hard" feeling, so braking on slippery roads are prone to accidents. If the vehicle hydraulic brake, the place to be careful to check for any leaks in the brake fluid, brake lines and brake wheel cylinder

Winter tire rubber will harden relatively brittle, friction coefficient will be reduced, so give the tires with air pressure is not too high, but more can not be too low, otherwise it will shorten the life of the tire.

Experts also advise the winter 
Airbag Reset  inclusions within the tread to always clean up, try to avoid using make up more than one tire, replaced the tire wear larger and different brands and pattern. Tire wear very different inside and outside, in order to ensure safety and reduce wear to the tires on a regular basis the replacement position.


Washing car VAG-Com carpet by using skill

With the faster speed of the car into VAG-Com the family, car maintenance has become one of the people most concerned about the topic. In addition to schedule regular visits to the repair shop to do routine maintenance, the maintenance of some small parts of the same worth all Aicheyizu attention, because their maintenance and care as related to the comfort and safety of your driving.

Dashboard cleaning needs meticulous
A very important part of the interior of the car is the dashboard facing each driver will have a direct, its cleanliness will directly affect the occupant of automotive interior environment overall effect of visual experience. Due to the complex structure of the corners, the various switches instrument clean up more difficult. Little attention to what the dashboard you will find only a few rags and sponges to clean the site, Gully sill places need to use special tools, special tools of their own design in this case can come in handy, with various thickness of the wood chips or ruler piece to repair its head into the oblique triangle, rectangle, or pointed 
 digimaster 3   style, and then wrap it in a clean rag inside cleaning Gully sill is ideal, clean effect, while not causing damage of the parts to be cleaned.

Washing carpet by skill
Car inside the most easily dirty carpet, if you use a vacuum cleaner brush head for vacuum processing, can make a dirty carpet looks less dirty. For more dirty carpet, you can only use a special detergent. General these two dust before detergent first, then spray the right amount of detergent, scrub clean with a brush, and finally the excess detergent wipe it with a clean rag washed carpets, this could make both clean any connection with the same soft. Most in need of attention is that carpets do not completely into the water soak scrub, on the one hand, will destroy the carpet internal layers of different materials bonded, on the other hand will not dry carpet in a long time and affect the results, causing the car within the wet.
The brake maintenance have Daodao
The focus of inspection of the brake system is the amount of brake fluid to determine the extent of the baseline of the storage tank. A check to a significant reduction in brake fluid than before, the possibility of failure. Brake line leak also need to pay close attention to the manual car equipped with a clutch, which also need to pay attention to the amount of liquid, if the liquid reduced into the air, you can not brake. Therefore, the most should pay attention to maintenance of the brake  
 bmw opps system is the brake fluid, fluid volume, allowing air to enter, the brakes will become insensitive. Also check the clutch and try to pedal, check intermittent point, poor contact or accurate point deviation from the need of repair.

Driving car maxidas ds708 tips

The car is used to open, but it is also  maxidas ds708 in need of protection, in addition to routine maintenance, a good car habits to make vehicles less "sick". How the car is considered a good habit? Our editorial department car detail car set of strict requirements, these requirements are not "Cheats", but a little attention will be able to do a good habit. Here, we will be many small details throughout on the bus to get off documented, for the majority of motorists netizens reference, so that all vehicles are able to be more healthy.

1, the ignition
Car first step, naturally is to start the engine. The ignition switch has a third gear, turned on the first tranche of "ACC" low-current power supply, stereo, air conditioning, electrical electrical equipment is available, there are some cars in the gear available power windows, electric mirrors, etc.; second gear "ON" then pass driving-related electrical equipment, such as ABS, airbags, oil pump, temperature detection system; "Start" is the start of the third tranche of the engine. When you start the engine, should stay in the second tranche of about 3-5 seconds, the vehicles are self-test, to see many of the dashboard lights go off or fixed only after the official launch of the engine. Pay attention to is the keyless start the car, the brakes is  
renault can clip  equivalent to "ON", click the button directly stepping on the brake, click is equal to the car, the best habit is to not hit the brakes, click the Start button, complete The self-test and then start the engine.

2 hot car
Now many car owners know to start the engine hot car. Hot car is good to protect the engine, its significance is to allow the engine to achieve the desired temperature (80-90 degrees Celsius), while allowing the various components of the lubricating oil to fully lubricate before officially run with a load, in order to reduce the wear and tear.
Hot car time two controversial proposition engine completely reached normal temperature before starting, engine protection is the best, but this is often idle run quite a long time, the engine fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, enough green; another hot car for 1,2 minutes, a slight increase engine temperature can drive the car the first minute or not to Bigfoot throttle or full-load operation, traveling at moderate temperatures completely normal after normal driving . In our opinion, these two methods are justified and feasible, specific environment depends on your car. For example, if you like to enjoy driving a car, it may wish hot 
 sbb key programmer  car for a longer period of time; your parking came out to get on a big slope (the many underground garage is the case), that would start after a full hot car good; If your car when pressed for time, then the second way is preferable.


Make your car "eyes" full rest -Do not forget to turn off the lights

As night fell in the parking lot would often see the headlights of the car has been lit. I thought the car was, but closer inspection they found the owners careless and forgot to turn off the lights before leaving the vehicle.

Generally speaking, if you forget to turn off lights, car and headlight auto-off function after a night of consumption, the next morning, the basic vehicle battery can no longer work properly, which charge not enough-powered vehicles. Owners will not only encounter the battery is dead, will not start the vehicle embarrassing, is no small damage on the car.

In addition to the impact of battery life, lights a long time immortal also affect the service life of the bulb. Lighting insufficiency may also be caused because of lamp failure, become a safety hazard in the road.

So, despite forgets to turn off the lights in the eyes of many people may be an unremarkable little things, but still very serious think about the consequences. A good habit is to start from the details of the training, the inconvenience to the owners in order to eliminate forgets to turn off lights, the editors remind you, every night after the car reaches the destination, should be carried out carefully checked before leaving the vehicle. If your car does not have headlights automatically turn off the system or headlight not shut prompted the more you carefully inspected before leaving the vehicle, the easiest method is to carefully inspect the display on the instrument panel, confirmation of lighting the flag extinguished state have been displayed on the dashboard, which shows that the switch of all the lights have been turned off, then turn off the confirmation good, lock your car, leave the vehicle.

Teach you ten car wash secret

1, usually every 2-3 days the application of water to the car wash. In case of a rainy day, shall be provided in fine weather after the upcoming car wash.

2, when the body of the vehicle is stained with dirt, application of cleaners scrub sponge the whole car, then rinse and dry.

Car wash before the first turn off the engine to avoid engine overheating and drying cleaning agent washed. In the hot sun or hot weather, avoid cleaning the area much at once. Use of cleaning agents, they should immediately wash with water body, so that the cleaning agent is dried to leave marks on the body of the vehicle.

4, the body of the vehicle is contaminated with oil, the scale remover spray so that it dissolves in the oil at the cleaning agent can be removed.

5, tires, rims piles of oil, may be the first of its use detergents or cleaning agents to be cleaned, and then spray on tire maintenance agent, you can have a beautiful black tires and bright as new rims.

Bumper piles of oil or whitening phenomenon can be with a cleaning agent to a stiff brush to clean, until dry and then sprayed with a leather care agent, the bumper will be bright as new.

7, if the body surface feels rough sense, that has been carbon particles or granular dirt buildup, use decontamination clay to be removed. Sufficient water must be added during grinding to stick it to take the dirt particles, and restore the original smooth surface.

8, when the granular dirt on the windows, you can use the decontamination clay processing, then glass cleaner can.

9, stainless steel trim rust, can be used the decontamination clay to remove rust, scale remover to polish.

10, the whole body is clean, do not forget with warm wool coat maintenance lotion wipe the whole car, so you can make the body beautiful smooth for towel to wipe.


Test 2013 Nissan D22 four-wheel drive pickup

Commercial vehicle replacement cycle is longer, the 2013 Nissan D22 as an interim facelift, in fact, only compared to the old style of excellence - dashboard replaced Paladin details more visible; CD head support USB playback; increase of 120 km the speed limit warning lights on the exterior design still continues Paladin style, imported Nissan KA24DE gasoline engine imports wheel side lock is no shrinkage and equally deserving of special needs car groups concerned about.

The test drive Nissan D22 to the top with models equipped with Nissan original imported gasoline engine, 5-speed manual transmission, four-wheel drive structure, $ 183,800. Perhaps we surprised that the D22 and Zhengzhou Nissan's Paladin is so similar to the first face? In fact, not difficult to understand, the two models in the same platform, the Paladin is D22 SUV version.

D22 body length and breadth is 4980mm x 1820mm × 1725mm, wheelbase of 2950mm, minimum ground clearance 210mm vehicles loaded with quality up to 2740kg demonstrated its versatility. D22 compared to the traditional sense of the the pickup overall design on more delicate the ZNA to more passenger car elements into the bone marrow of commercial vehicles D22, tough sturdy and domineering front face, chrome grille and Paladin SUV does not to do the same.

We have been on the D22 and NP300 misunderstanding that the D22 is the gasoline version, NP300 diesel version, in fact, test drive the petrol version of the the tail logo are NP300, which is the overseas version of the code, a symbol of the whole equipment weighing up to three tons. Usual off-road vehicle collision beam bumper also appear in the tail of D22, greatly enhance passive safety, but can also reduce the risk of car rear-end into the bottom, but also acts as a rear compartment of the car pedal. The whole car reversing radar for infrequent driving pickup, he felt this was not the end.

D22 use the same Paladin Hankook 245/70 R16 tires, excellent wheel style some nostalgia, of course, do not care for a pickup. D22 body compared with traditional pickup higher, the front and rear wheels through a physical demonstration we present exaggerated sense of height the daily cargo at the same time, the occasional cameo of a sport utility vehicle will not be excessive.

.To test drive Rui Qi pickup 3.0T four-wheel drive type

The Industrial Edition Rui Qi pickup body size: length 4980mm, width 1820mm, 1715mm, wheelbase 2950mm. On foreign markets compared to those big man who, especially the United States many of the Ford F-150, Dodge Ram 1500, Toyota smooth sailing, etc., Rui Qi the pickups might also just the members of this large family of "mini", but on the domestic traffic see, maybe those burly bruiser who would be difficult to serious acclimatized popular hatchback models, like the majority of European countries, Rui Qi pickup child's physique is more suitable land.
The front face to see, Rui Qi pickup face no other abnormalities, and some SUV models constitute the richest momentum look simple, rugged thin strips. This Rui Qi pickup practical consistent design theme, but did not forget some stylish atmosphere by chrome trim box to raise himself, and all black front bumper without pretension to tell people, it is definitely enough it can be removed from cost many future use.
Rui Qi pickup headlights design is also very simple, showing the wide lights, headlights and turn signals each have their own separate areas, and very worth mentioning is that this the Industrial Edition models actually also with daytime running lights, not to mention the pickup, even somethings 100,000 sedans match daytime running lights are also rare, which became the POINT of its body.
Side styling quite satisfactory, a standard pickup body proportions, its approach angle 42 °, leaving more 32 ° Minimum ground spacing reached 215mm In addition, it has a longer suspension travel, which will makes its innate by higher performance, the face size potholes or gravel forest road conditions in the mountains, it can not breathe in the atmosphere easily passing, but need to pay attention, Rui Qi pickup match four The drive system is not suitable for climbing or similar cross axis road, also need to manipulate observe some special sections.
Rui Qi pickup tail overall design of the front style consistent, to go straight, no any a sloppily excess elements appear on it. Most noticeable in the rear, the upper-right corner of the Turbo logo it telling passers-by that he is a match supercharged engine pickup.


New car paint their own care to be timely VAG-Com

The appearance of the body's most annoying is rust, caused mainly due to the sheet metal metal directly in contact with the outside world. In addition to the common cause of the collision, scratching, VAG-Com stood regardless falling rust outside, there is a situation, is the driving point of collision, the tires bounce of the vehicle in front of small stones caused will make a peeling paint appears small point, a small rust spots. Such small traces often overlooked, usually to regularly check the body, engine cover and body around, if it is found necessary to be handled immediately.

The addition, the body easily hydrocephalus, such as wheel arches inside and outside edge of the bottom of the doors and trunk, corners, etc., long time, and is also prone to corrosion. If the outfall of the lower edge of door is blocked or not very smooth, rain or car wash water infiltration long-term accumulates inside the door, after a period of time, it will start to rust from the inside out, until the discovery, it is difficult to deal with .
Therefore, it is often to maintain the smooth flow of the drainage holes in the doors and various parts of the body is important work can not be ignored routine maintenance. The keyhole of the door and around the glass strip and wiper frame movable parts are also easy to rust, must always be noted.
If the rust is not very serious, and can be dipped in water with a very fine water sandpaper gently rubbed off rust, completely wipe coated with a layer of primer to ensure rust will not expand, increase. New  
 Volvo PROSIS   scratches can be wiped off directly primed. General vehicles are equipped with a small can of original paint. Such treatment is not large good-looking, but a very small place and not cause illness.

Also can be bought in advance a complement paint pen to be coated with the primer is dry, with water sandpaper polished, and then use the fill paint pen color processing. Remember, primed with rust and increase table paint adhesion effect, do not be lazy, direct complement paint pen smear. Small the area Guaceng or obvious parts are available, breakage own modified.
If we really want to be lazy friends, but also with toothpaste. The car is put the tube of ordinary toothpaste, found small new rub marks on readily coated with a little. After rain or car wash, do not forget to Reapply what isolation can simply play the role, no 
X-431 Diagun   problem in the short term. This is just a simple cope with the law, eventually going to the beauty shop to completely remove. If you want to save also save money, can be more centralized repair broken car body similar.

Reduce tire wear tips

Pressure to compliance

Driver in accordance with the provisions of the depot to the tire inflation. When the tire pressure is lower than the standard value, the wear of the tire shoulder increases sharply;, due to the decrease in the ground contact area of the tire when the tire pressure is higher than the standard value, the unit pressure increased, so that the tire tread central increased wear, while increasing the tire rigidity. dynamic load load increases, the wheels are prone carcass burst.

Tread no cracks

Regularly check the tire surface cracks, deformation and other defects. Tire groove travel wear faded, the polished will lose drainage non-slip, the car of the performance will be greatly reduced, while seemingly small crack high speed flat tire hazard. Moreover, you should pay attention to the timely removal of the groove in the gravel.

Parking election plains

To avoid the vehicle parked in the coarse, sharp or sharp stones on the road. Vehicles do not park close to or in contact with petroleum products, acids, and other places affect the the rubber deterioration of materials. Driver do not turn the steering wheel after parking, this operation will accelerate tire wear.

Heat do not splashing

Easily overheated when the tire driving or high speed a long time in summer, while increased pressure. You should stop cooling, the non bleed buck or splashing water cooling, in case of non-normal aging of the tread rubber.

Avoid braking

Started can not be too much force to avoid frequent use of the brakes and the emergency brake to avoid accelerated tread wear due to the drag of the tire and the ground; turning the car will overtake when a lot through the intersection, narrow road, railway crossing, should have the appropriate speed and to pay attention to the road, pedestrians, vehicle dynamics, to do brake ready to reduce frequent braking to avoid the emergency brake, thereby reducing tire wear; faced with broken glass or other foreign matter that can not be avoided, to reduce speed by, do Do not slam the brakes because the brakes causing the pressure increases, the glass debris and foreign objects easier to tie into the tire.



Proper use of lighting to ensure safety

Crossroads waiting for the bus, when the green light sometimes encounter the situation of the former car motionless. In this case, honked is obviously not suitable, we can use flashing headlights instead of rough honk. Headlights flash, usually before the car will be able to realize that, if nothing happened, and then flash, avoid continuous flashing headlights, so that people do not respect, easily lead to the rebellious mood of the driver of the vehicle in front.

Driving at night, most headache thing to experience high beam a guy open in the end, this car does not switch the lights  are not uncommon in the process of driving at night. Encounter to drove right headlight how to do? Bikers can flash within such a distance before the intersection twice headlights remind each other car you want to switch the lights. If the other indifferent, riders can double jump lights are lit to dissatisfaction, and tell each other "you shining, nearly light switch

In the elevated highway and some ordinary roads,http://submit.org.in/article.php?id=146375 often encounter lane and Road encounter and Road vehicles alternating traffic sections lane change car will first open the turn signal in advance, wait in traffic at the intersection, told after the car "I was able to change lanes?" after the car, if agreed to on the Fangmanjusu, and flash headlights agreed to change lanes; inconvenient, chain lightning on a few headlights, said, "No, I do not agree . "

Car on the road, to maintain proper safety distance is an effective method to avoid accidents, but sometimes some people like high speed with the car, but also to maintain the relatively close distance, in which case, the first car to find a way to the car after little warning, told to follow their own car does not matter, then we should use the brake lights. Another use in the process of highway driving, the brake lights have own too close to the car in the rear car distance when the driver of the vehicle in front can be light on the brakes after the car prompted you near me, should be much point '

Reduce engine deposits lifetime driving Volvo PROSIS skills

Car coke in China is a more common phenomenon, because Volvo PROSIS Tingduo, nothing more than gasoline, oil quality is not good, accustomed to a low-speed or neutral driving or idling frequently, especially in Guangzhou, the hot weather condition under stationary vehicle air conditioning The time is too long, and so the reason will result in engine carbon deposits. Hazards of coke Tingduo that the range from fuel consumption, engine power attenuation, wear parts, affect vehicle traffic safety, and therefore effectively prevent carbon deposits, clean the carbon deposition for the majority of owners, it is still very necessary.

To sum up, the engine carbon deposits on the car is still quite large, the first is to reduce engine power, power output that is uneven and gradual decay, in other words, more and did not force. The second is to increase fuel consumption, increase the economic burden. Cold start difficulties, is sparking difficult, not easy with the car, and finally the  
Autre key maker automobile combustion chamber deposits can also cause serious cylinder detonation, low-speed acceleration sound of the piston and crankshaft damage, which can seriously affect automotive safety . Then there are excessive emissions not only pass the annual examination to detect also directly increasing environmental pollution hazards.

The specific principle is, do not pay attention to the oil and driving habits for a long time, the wax and the gelatinous material in the gasoline more plot thicker harden after repeated heating to form coke. If the engine burning oil phenomenon, or poor quality gasoline filling a lot of impurities, then the valve is even more serious coke formation speed faster. Sponge-like structure of coke, a time when the valve after the formation of coke fuel sprayed into the cylinder will be part of adsorption, the real concentration of the mixture into the cylinders thinning, resulting in poor engine work appears difficult to start, idle speed is not steady, poor acceleration, emergency refueling temper, excessive exhaust, fuel consumption increased anomalies. If serious cause the valve closed lax cylinder cylinder pressure to and thoroughly not work, even sticking valve not return. The 
VW 3-Button Remote Key valve and piston movement interference will produce, and ultimately damage the engine.