
Air conditioning engine tire needs mb star c3

Air Conditioning: at least a month mb star c3   to turn it on again, regular cleaning

In fact, even in the air-conditioning season, it is best to have to keep a month boot time usage so beneficial to extend its service life. In addition, the use of air conditioning long time, the air conditioning filter above the dust accumulated more will harmful mold blown into the car through the air conditioning, while also hinder the intake air quantity, greatly reduces the efficiency of the heating of the hot air, and therefore recommends that owners 4S shop regularly cleaning air conditioning ducts and air filter.
Hippocampal love still owners generally reflect the good results, the use of air conditioning, speed, and turn on the AC is not much impact on the power. But there are a lot of owners, including the hippocampus Love is still the owners, the air conditioning idle for too long, this approach is not correct.
Engine: choose the regular antifreeze, periodically clean the water tank, remember to warm up
Winter temperatures plunged, if the vehicle does not replace the antifreeze, the air temperature is below the freezing point of the antifreeze will make the water freezes expansion leading tank Donglie, the  
elm 327 engine can not operate. Owners to replace the antifreeze freezing point lower than the minimum temperature 5-10 ° C regular antifreeze products area to protect the normal work of the engine. Secondly, the tank engine rust, fouling will limit the flow of coolant in the cooling system, to reduce the cooling effect, cause engine overheating, and even cause engine damage. Therefore, regular cleaning of the water tank on the engine maintenance is also crucial. Many beginners do not know the winter to warm up, that warm the engine, which is essential. Cold car idle high, down to 800 rpm to wait / timeshare to Guadang the carriageway, otherwise not only damage to the vehicle parts, moving a lot of oil. Like hippocampus love still warm up 1-2 minutes. Hippocampal love still owners recognized the power of this engine performance and fuel economy performance, but sometimes overlooked replace the antifreeze tank cleaning warm car details, these are more or less affected the normal operation of the engine.

Tires: non-slip explosion-proof
The hippocampus Isotonix with 155/65R13 and 175/60 ​​R13 two tire specifications. At the same time, the hippocampus Isotonix have ABS (anti-lock brake system) + EBD (anti-slip brake system), to protect the safe driving of the vehicle on slippery, icy roads.
Even so, the owner can not ignore the importance of tire. Especially in the cold winter, the tire rubber hardens, relatively brittle, not only greatly reduce the coefficient of friction, and is also  
 Volvo PROSIS easier to leak, bar tires. The survey shows that the tire failure was considered to be the number one killer of the highway, the danger can be imagined. Vehicle owners is important to frequently check tire condition, if the injury or tread irregular wear, must immediately to the 4S shop inspection by professionals.

