
How to deal with automotive elm 327 bird droppings

The guano is many owners are more troublesome  elm 327  things to guano contains acids will corrode paint falls on the body of the vehicle, but not health. Recently attracted everyone nervous bird flu virus is to allow owners to guard, in fact, clear guano is not how difficult things, as long as when, and pay attention to personal hygiene, guano for the car and we 's health will not cause too much threat.

Qualified owners lorry ready to dilute a good paint cleaner, spray stained with bird droppings paint or window, and then attach a paper towel or cloth moistened Shaodai minutes etc. out to softening wipe. Sometimes guano after the scorching sun exposure becomes very dry, very hard, you need to spend more time soaking in water, wetting general can play a good removal.

If there is no professional cleaning agent, the owner can also use ordinary household cleaning agents, but must pay attention to is neutral, otherwise 
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Removed the guano covered the body of the vehicle, the best use cleaning solution and then wipe it again to ensure that with the corrosive guano residues completely removed, can go wash your car the better.

In addition, there is little need to remind: bird droppings stick very firmly do not pull hard to avoid bird droppings debris from entering the fingernails. Guano hard on the window most do not use force wiper sweeping, so as not to accelerate the aging of the wiper rubber. Best patience 
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