
The evolution history of Toyota mark

 Toyota has been in Asia, plays the role of the largest Autocom   manufacturers, and for the first time in 2008 to surpass GM to become the world's first automobile manufacturer and its brand visibility and appeal of the world-renowned self-evident. But you probably do not understand the high rate of appearance of Toyota "three-ring around the style" logo What is the meaning of today's Toyota in the past used the logo, this article for you about the Toyota subject of evolutionary history .Toyota logo shape: the logo to follow Toyota loom by talking about the Toyota brand would have to mention the long history of its founder, Kiichiro Toyoda (Kiichiro Toyoda), the Toyota family inventive. As early as September 1933, single-handedly founded by his father, Sakichi Toyoda, Toyota Automatic Loom "will set up the automotive sector, then in 1935 by Kiichiro Toyoda in charge of the automotive sector has been off the production line the first one AA level "car.
Toyota logo: the early 1980s, in 1937 -20 to 1937, Toyota officially independent, the establishment of Toyota Motor Corporation, today's Asia-wide annual production of the largest automobile manufacturing company was born. The establishment of any one company or organization will have their own LOGO, Toyota is no exception, the company has just set up the national collection of logo design will be oriented to provide rich rewards, and as a finalist and was elected works, the message has been issued will be in Japan environment caused a sensation, just one month time, Toyota received Contributors of more than 27,000 copies, the author of these works, including school students, professional designers, retired workers and even children.Eventually stand out in many works has been selected by Toyota The overall design of the circular, the internal write Japanese "Toyota" deformation "of LOGO, Toyota have good design appreciation of this identity that highlight its shape "feeling of speed", which is also Toyota collecting the logo was originally designed. In this way, Toyota will not only use it in the car body, also made into a badge issued to each employee in the company, a strong culture of Toyota is also from this point onwards slowly take root.
First car hung up the subject of this Toyota AB car, produced in 1936, the front is still Toyota woven by LOGO, the four wheels for the first time Toyota circular LOGO, abnormal eye-catching . It is worth mentioning is that Toyota was founded in 1937 coincides with the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, Toyota Motor Manufacturing company has just set up will be forced into the war, built for the Japanese army armored jeeps, trucks and other military transport. Although it makes people emotionally hard to accept, but it is undeniable that the Toyota Motor Corporation does in order to establish a leading position in the Japanese automotive industry, and the help of the Government of Japan has accumulated a large number of the original wealth.However, with the premise of Japan's defeat, the army, and finances are subject to international sanctions, Toyota once fell into a financial crisis, during which the company founder Kiichiro Toyoda resigned as Chairman. Toyota, however, did not decline in 1950 through the establishment of Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd. "to get emergency financing banks and the consortium work together under the" Sales Company "and" manufacturing company ", Toyota will be the first car stickers the forty years.Toyota's second logo: the early 1980s to 1989 Toyota's second generation of the origin of the logo is still its founding Toyoda family has a close relationship. Is defined as "car brand for decades, the Toyota family would like to own family address and business name to distinguish in the 1980s. Based on this, Toyota LOGO made a huge innovation. Toyota's new logo uses a very simple word "TOYOTA", regular red text on behalf of Toyota not only be able to design suitable for middle-aged "mature models", but also to fashion models for young people, avant-garde models aspects of development. "TOYOTA" the origin of the eight paintings completed, eight in Japan is seen as able to bring luck and wealth figures because it is in Japanese.In 1982, Maung is King for a long time "sales" and "manufacturing" company re finally come together again merged into the "Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota this change the subject of a specific date difficult to trace, but the two After the merger, the identity of the produced models can guess about. In addition, there is a birth of this logo was born of objective factors is worth mentioning that the "oil crisis broke out in Europe and the United States
Ds 708 , 1973-1979. As the U.S. auto brands continue to put pressure on the U.S. government, the U.S. government intends to limit the sale of vehicles of Toyota and other foreign companies to the United States. Toyota Group in order not to lose the decision of the U.S. market, GM and more international "TOYOTA" logo for Toyota to open a firm U.S. market has played a big role.
The third paragraph of the Toyota logo: 1989 - since Toyota's cash logo was born in 1989, the birth of the background in order to distinguish the identity of the newly established high-end brand Lexus of Toyota, but also as a witness of the growth process of the Toyota for more than 50 years with the commemoration, we can say, cash Toyota identified the birth of epoch-making significance. Unfortunately, even Toyota's own official website, we also can not find who actually designed this classic logo, but this does not seem to affect it enjoys popular support, "consists of three oval Ngau Tau standard" almost human foes know, the cross with two oval on behalf of customers and manufacturers are closely linked, closely around. The periphery of the large oval is a symbol of Toyota swept the global scope of business and long-term vision around the world.
Toyota cash logo in red and white colors, the subject and text of the logo are red, together with the white background makes the icon look simple and generous. Cash-car standard font excellent visual effects, people kind of practical and comfortable, trustworthy feel. Subsection identifies upon release will be applied to all models of Toyota's and continues today. COROLLA series as we know it (has lasted for 10 generations), Carmel series (has lasted for seven generations), and even Rand Road, Chak cool series (has lasted for 10 generations) are cash LOGO, the first batch of users. It is worth mentioning is that this logo uniform application to all models of Toyota's, but this is limited to overseas markets in Japan, the logo of Toyota's cars actually have evolved a variety of styles (this article The third page will explain).It is worth mentioning that, in Toyota's huge unified logo overseas teams there are some alternative, is one of China's domestic high visibility of the Toyota Hiace (HiAce). Sea lions since 1967 to the present total of the birth of the 5th generation models, and whether in Japan or overseas markets, it is exactly the same identity in the same period. Sea lions generation model has gone through 4 identifies the changes to be counted on the "fickle" models in the Toyota family.
In 2003, Toyota worldwide employs 65,551 people, ranks Japan, third in the world. 2008 is Toyota's most glorious moment in the year, Toyota's total production of various models of 2.41 million to replace the year production of 2.25 million General Motors Corporation, to become the first in the world. Although the Toyota suffered heavy losses in the financial turmoil in 2009, the world number one fell swoop fell ten away, but had reached the output of the world's first automobile 
BMW GT1 manufacturers in Japan and even in Asia, is the only one.

