
7 SUV interior space peugeot lexia 3 Hengping

Beijing Shengda is a brand new modern recently built a high-end urban SUV, the main features of this model is a stylish peugeot lexia 3 appearance, the configuration is extremely high, and the manufacturers claim their space in the car's design is also quite hard, is a very competitive products. Currently in New Shengda cars, only two 7 versions

New Shengda area is quite nice with a panoramic sunroof, length 132cm, width 74cm, removable section also has a longitudinal length of 62cm, practicality and sensory experience is superb. In the basic interior space, the new victory of the driver's seat is no obvious advantage, the performance of the head three fingers are not really good. Space in the second row, the new owner can move Shengda seat, and move forward when manufacturers have been specially designed to ensure simultaneously the second and third row of seating space tradeoff lock bits.

In the second row of seats is locked to the front of the fixed position, the third-row seats can have a punch so legroom, for a 7 SUV is considered a very good purpose, and if the head of the roof designed to look again properly optimized, then the effect will be better. The new Santa Fe in the second row passenger comfort have also done a comprehensive consideration, we have taken this top model in addition to the whole system comes standard with liftable head restraints and three-point seat belts, there are manual blinds and electric heated seats so equipped, a city of 30  transponder key programmer   million-SUV is very rare.

 The third row seat design is very large, the headrest can be raised and lowered, the air conditioning vent can individually adjust the wind speed is a bright spot, at the same price, only new models Shengda have this configuration. Korean cars in recent years, force all to see, both the appearance and the inner, big investment enterprises settled after inviting leading designers have gradually blossomed results. New Shengda as a new urban SUV, the space design layout performance is quite good, 176cm tall and heavier editor sitting in the second and third row did not feel cramped. Details of the design is also in place, such as third-row adjustable speed air conditioning vent, but also for example the rear window can be minimized without affecting sight headrests, etc., see the designer's intentions.

Second model is still a Korean cars, but time to market than the new Shengda longer. Kia Sorento is an import from the SUV, even so, but with a wealth of vehicle configuration, providing diesel-powered vehicles and seven other advantages, this  abrites tag key tool 2.0 setup model is still favored by many consumers. Currently in Sorento large family cars, even a total of 15 models of different configurations of seven models in the sale, do not pick dazzled.

Joint compact SUV trunk Scanner FLY measured

Many consumers buy SUV in addition to value appearance, through sex, configuration, and dynamic performance, they  Scanner FLY will value the trunk space, after all, everyday household and travel, etc., large trunk space can bring more convenience to carry. Article, we will be measured SUV's trunk, through the measured data to tell us Which larger SUV's trunk space, but also for the trunk humane aspects described. If you are ready to buy the recent SUV, it may wish to continue to read on, your car may be a little help.

 In order to ensure a fair comparison, we will use the same reference (three items of different sizes), the same measurement method, the same placement. By contrast to a more intuitive, so that we can more accurately understand Which model is more superior performance of trunk space. Shanghai Volkswagen Tiguan is currently on the market one of the best-selling SUV, which by virtue of a good design, exquisite workmanship and advanced technology vehicles in the SUV market has been maintained in the future, with regard to this year's June report card for the cases, 16,500 sales, second only to the Hover SUV sales chart ranked second place. However, the good sales performance is not indicative of space in the trunk Tiguan certainly outstanding performance, let's understand the specific circumstances under which the trunk.

Is not the case of the rear seats recline, Tiguan basic enough trunk space can only say that it's minimum depth of 80cm, minimum width of 101cm, height 79cm, width value is the smallest of the seven models introduced the smallest width of which will not convenient placement Obd1 bis obd2 Stecker  of larger items. In addition, it does not set up the trunk storage box, which compared six models introduced another slightly less.

Under normal circumstances, the three test items according to the order placed Tiguan trunk. Seen from the figure, it is wide enough, but a minimum depth of 80cm somewhat reluctantly, the 2nd suitcase and not fully into it. However, wins in the Tiguan rear seats can move forward, move the rear seats, the Tiguan is not the case of the rear seats recline, trunk depth expandable up to 96cm (original minimum depth of 80cm), increased depth 16cm. Consumers can be placed in the trunk size of the article, the flexibility to adjust the rear seat to free up enough space for the trunk, the more user-friendly design. As shown above, most consumers will be moved to the front seat before the three test items can easily fit into the trunk, the trunk space is not enough to solve, but this approach will bring the rear passenger space travel affected.

 Tiguan rear seats recline is simple, but the seats recline will appear after a wide gap between, did not look beautiful, but we can cover it with a small gap between the cover  multi diag  this road, which makes entire trunk floor becomes flat, humane considerations in quite place. Through the rear seats recline, Tiguan trunk reaches a maximum depth of 177cm.


What can make your garbage VAS 5054A truck?

I'm sure you think you (or your family member) How  VAS 5054A  destroy your car a few years ago. Alas. It was horrible. You have no choice but to lock your car. Of course, this was what you're thinking. You did not think of alternative ways to get rid of your car wreck. So it just stays there, in your garage or in your backyard constantly remind your mishap. However, it began an eyesore. In addition, some family or work the things you need additional space. How do you get rid of it? Well, I have my ways to deal with a list of cars and disappointment.

How do you like garbage trucks have some cash? Exactly. Such companies do exist. All you have to do is call the company from scrapped automobiles first number, you can find, maybe some flyers from Craigslist or some advertisements. You will be surprised to find that easy money, you will get Ford IDS VCM  something you've considered junk.

If you want more creative this thing, you can grab some of the metalworking things, a piece of furniture from a car wreck to begin work. It can be anything. You can turn it into a sofa. You can turn it into a table. You can even turn it into a tiny bed! A final example would be perfect if you have a little boy in your family. If you never know anything about metal products, you can hire some artists specialize in this stuff, have them designed for you. Do you like this idea? Yes, me too.

If your trip, currently in innovation, then maybe you can select. Previously wrecked car design a new car. How cool is that? It's just like something you see on TV they revive the old Volkswagen models into new and innovative things. Of course, they still look like a Volkswagen, but cooler, more stylish. If your problem is just like above (you do not know anything about cars rehabilitation and remodeling), you can still hire  TOYOTA K+CAN 2.0   some company that specializes in this kind of thing. This is why there are artists and professional technicians to help us achieve what we envision for our propert

Golden Rule female bmw dis v57 driver!

Evening the 20th century, the gap between men and women has completely disappeared. Today's women have equal areas,bmw dis v57 was once a man's monarchy under control. But there are still several dimensions, there is a good dividing line two communities. Car, it is certain that one of the prime men still dominant. There is a popular saying in the east, "Ladies and broke the car and dragged it to their husbands garage." It is very rare to solve the problem of vehicles in the garage, or even at home to find a lady. Although there are several woman in the UK automotive experts, their number is very small.
Women must have the basic knowledge is not to prove that male dominance of automobiles and parts, but for their own convenience. You can not always get direct help, every time your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Although it is impossible to solve the serious concern, a small problem can be fixed in a few minutes. And intelligent 
BMW OPPS effort, these problems can be completely avoided. As proven high intelligent women than men, this will not be a problem.
As a driver, you must know your car is how it works. You do not need to know how to make the engine or how it works, but part of the basic knowledge and how to fix them If something goes wrong with the vehicle. This way, you will not be stuck on the highway waiting for your father or husband to pick you up, if the car breaks down. There are many garage Ms. drivers running at night and automobile repair shop in the direction of Leeds, UK, and other parts. Looking for a get to participate. Today!
Yes, you can learn all about repairing your vehicle, but it is impossible in a few days to become an expert. Although you can easily change the burst tires workshops, but serious problems, such as engine failures and carbonated issue remains a distant goal.
MB STAR compact C4  is better to get them repaired as soon as possible go wrong. Early repair can help save costs and significant loss of opportunities


Rain brake pads needs Tacho Pro an overhaul

The rain increased, the visibility Tacho Pro is very low when the previous observation on the reporter, most people will open the double flash. In fact, this approach is not correct. More play is double flash warning, lighting ineffective. The correct approach is to turn on the fog. Although the position of fog lamp assembly is usually relatively low, but the fog has a strong penetration easier in low visibility weather conditions allow early detection of vehicles or pedestrians. But driving rain turned to car fog light will generate some interference, if not particularly affect the line of sight, or to keep the fog lights are turned off. Timely rain check whether the fog is particularly important to work

Even if your car has not been spared heavy brew, but as long as the tire is covered by water over 1/3 of the location, you must promptly repair brake pads. Most brake discs are made of cast iron, but also long-term exposed, after soaking plus wind and sun, it is easy to generate some disc surface rust, rust more or less of these will affect the normal operation of the brake system, Therefore it is necessary to be promptly removed.

If only minor surface rust, can be used in continuous braking when driving method to clear it. In motion, brakes, brake pads and brake discs using the friction of the surface can be polished. If the situation is more serious rust, rust more, will cause the brakes uneven surface, this situation may cause the brake body shake. This rust is often difficult to  Lexia-3 Citroen  remove through continuous braking, experts recommend this occurs, we must promptly to the regular repair shop for repairs, when necessary, replacement of the brake discs.

Rain wiper will increase the frequency of use significantly improved, because rain is not conducive to the road surface and the driver's line of sight, if not a good brush wiper rain, will give you a great traffic safety hazard, then the wiper is played a very important role, so its inspection and maintenance to be more careful in place.

While resting on the windshield wiper, but routine maintenance is very easy when people turn a blind eye, until suddenly discovered the problem only when used. Car care experts point out that, in fact, wiper blade maintenance is very simple, the way when washing glass cleaning liquid to wipe wiper strip, you can effectively extend the service life of the wiper. Peacetime should always check the wiper wiper wiper exists swing state, and uneven or scraping the phenomenon is not clean water, the  Airbag Rücksteller  emergence of these two cases are meant wiper blades for damage, the need for timely replacement.

Healthy Summer car J2534 maintenance manual

The mats folded up out the car, in order to avoid the  J2534  dust falling on the vehicle. After removing the dust with a duster dust them off. In again with a brush before flushing to clear the dust deep crevice. If you can often do, can effectively suppress the lice or odors. Next, the entire water wet mat after stepping down on the mat will detergent, be careful not to pour too much. If pure wool with long hair and is made of advanced materials such as mats, it is recommended to use special wool washing liquid detergent such, will not hurt the fiber, but also cleaned and mats will look fluffy and soft. When the detergent covered on a treadmill mat, to re-use a brush, especially the driver's seat with a mat, more force is needed to brush. Scrub depending hair brush along the array direction. Then rinse detergent must take very clean, while using softener. Finally, there is dry. If it is long-haired mats, to try to make wool bristling, then put mats to dry thoroughly dry diagonally.
Car roof roof cleaning method according to the inside of the material, the color varies. Use light-colored cloth seat cleaner. First seat prostrate, then towel or chair cover to cover, to prevent the roof dripping water or detergent contamination. And then poured into water and spray detergent liquid, spraying the roof. After a little foaming cleanser gently scrub with a brush. Note that using a soft brush and lighter than the intensity. Otherwise easy to pilling, but also hurt the fabric. Wait until the dirt floating on the surface, then use a towel wrung wipe the foam. The rest of the dirt, can be removed with detergent. Dark lines you want to check the extent of its dirty, just use a clean wet towel and gently wipe the surface of the can. If the stick is above the white towel brown dirt, which means that the roof has been dirty. No matter what kind of car every two to three months can use this method check again. If you find that you can wipe clean with a wet towel, then I need to use a cleaning agent.
When cleaning the seat, the seat of dust and dirt to be dealt with separately. First with a vacuum cleaner on the surface of the residual net absorption of garbage or dust with a wet towel (preferably white) Wipe 
Caterpillar ET 2011  the surface of the seat. If still not clean, then cleaning agent to do the cleaning work. If dirty, clean with detergent directly seat.
Quality velvet seat cleaning method, the first step is to first open all the doors, with a duster to dust duster clean with a vacuum cleaner to suck out the garbage. Then wash using detergent to try to let loose foam in the seat surface, so attached to the seat surface dirt float. Wait until the foam gradually reduced, then scrub. Scrub brush is best to use the bath body brush or cleaning the face, because their hardness and the length of the bristles are just right, it is also very easy to use. Do not scrub scrub, simply brush gently brushed the seat surface can be, that would be enough eyes to see the dirt brush down. Finally, then wrung wet towel drying the foam. After cleaning, the door is fully open, allowing the car to maintain good ventilation condition, in order to dry the seat as soon as possible.
As for the leather seats, then wipe with a towel if still not clean, then use special cleaning agents. This cleanser contains moisturizing ingredients, usually only use a can able to complete all tasks. Note that to use the sponge with leather seats with a detergent, do not need to push so that the sponge can slide smoothly on the whole
SBB Key Programmer  piece seat. Dirt on the leather seats the most obvious place is wrinkled. If we can get a clean folds, overall it seems will be very beautiful.


Talk about those things modified CDP Pro truck intake system

Dynamic part of the mentioned modification is often called the engine intake system specified action (the most common  CDP Pro truck    basis for conversion projects). Intake and exhaust systems work is complementary relationship, want to improve the output performance of the engine, the intake system with greater need. As a four-stroke engine intake acting first session, in which the mystery is more complex compared to the exhaust system, this issue is to say that we intake system modifications.

Does not refer to the intake system performance impact on the power output is not large exhaust system, but given the current in the country, involving power system modification is the most common exhaust system, and want to really improve the dynamic performance of the engine, the intake system also play an important role. Let's start from the modified intake system errors, talk to the intake system modifications.

First we have to recognize that the depot spends tens of millions or even a billion dollars of expenses for research and development car, the create product performance is not without reason. The core part of the vehicle's power system, it was a final choice of various factors weighed one of the most reasonable and balance settings. Anyway, modification is to break the factory has set a good balance, durability, comfort and environmental protection and other conditions make some compromises and concessions, so that the dynamic performance more prominent. For the modified intake system, moderate  MB star c4 manual  increase engine intake efficiency can be obtained certain effect dynamic lift (generally not more than 10%), but it is also not difficult to operate, you can if you want to further improve on the basis of power performance, things get complicated.

Increasing the intake air amount per unit time can be used with more fuel to the combustion acting (ECU detects the increase in the intake and increase the fuel with the combustion time). Simply put, the engine of fuel and combustion air supplied the more pressure there is on the piston, the engine torque provided by the higher. But the factory ECU for fuel injection, ignition and other settings there is a certain range limits (taking into account various factors, the adjustment range is very limited), into the air once beyond the factory setting range, the engine would not continue to run the rest of Follow-up adjustments, so only part of the intake modifications, ECU, fuel, ignition, exhaust, etc. do not sync up, it can not significantly improve dynamic performance.

Increasing the intake air amount per unit time can be used with more fuel to the combustion acting (ECU detects the increase in the intake and increase the fuel with the combustion time). Simply put, the engine of fuel and combustion air supplied the more pressure there is on the piston, the engine torque provided by the higher. But the factory ECU for fuel injection, ignition and other settings there is a certain range limits (taking into account various factors, the adjustment range is very limited), into  TWINB C4+GT1  the air once beyond the factory setting range, the engine would not continue to run the rest of Follow-up adjustments, so only part of the intake modifications, ECU, fuel, ignition, exhaust, etc. do not sync up, it can not significantly improve dynamic performance.

Teach you to check where the fault vci 2 through smell

A car constituted by at least 7000 parts, these parts of metal, plastic, and rubber, and in abnormal wear and tear, it will emit a pungent odor, such as  vci 2  coke burnt taste, smell, plastic taste, etc. sent to the odor based on these, we can determine that the vehicle nose certain failures. The most easy to distinguish the smell, the smell occurs first check belts, brake shoes and tires, look at these parts of the rubber is loose slipping or overheating, if identified as brake or tire odor, immediately flameout parking, and other cool before traveling
This situation is mostly due to overheating of electrical lines, because the plastic outer wrap wire is thin, so the smell is not great. But when the wire is shorted, many accompanied by smoke or heat localized phenomenon, a long time, is easy to cause a fire, a fire. Wires overheating must stop immediately upon discovery to find out why, the smell of burning wires do not look much, but the danger index is very high. Under normal circumstances, the summer temperature condition occurs wires will be more, if not in time,
vci 2 diagnostic  is likely to cause damage to the circuit completely, the engine cylinder, and even the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion vehicle.
In the driving process if non-metallic materials burning smell burnt special smell, usually by burning or clutch friction plate caused by overheating. This will be mixed with the smell of burnt coke smell, because clutch plate material is made of rubber and asbestos and other composite materials. If the clutch is normal to use, there is no obvious difficulty Guadang or start a difficult situation, and get off to smell the odor from the back of the car, then they would check whether the overheating of the brake system. Some careless owners in the case of pulling the handbrake driving force, which makes locking rear brake pads will produce coke burnt odor.
This odor is more common in the carburetor car, people commonly known as "burn oil", in addition to smell the acrid odor, the exhaust fumes will be emitted. A situation is due to the inner wall of the cylinder badly worn or badly worn piston, oil jump into the engine combustion chamber caused; Another
mvci scanner   case is badly worn valve may also be burning oil; also aging vehicles pipeline, oil dripping engine or exhaust pipe, in the case of high temperature, will emit an unpleasant odor.


Basic automotive terminology VAS 5054A and explanations

The height of the tire, the ratio of the width of the contact surface. For formal comfort-oriented tire, VAS 5054A  is 80%, but the latest high-performance, low-profile tires, which may be less than 35 percent.The engine shaft, the piston reciprocating force (which is converted to rotation movement shaft, connecting rod), via the transfer drive car

Smooth-sided steel plate, usually connected to the hub. Is placed around the brake caliper piston hydraulic operation. When applying the brake pads grip the disc, the disc, so the wheel slows down. A reduction of heat build up on the disc braking efficiency, and many today are cross-drilled discs or ventilation to help cool.

Multiplied by the number of times the  VAS 5054A USB BLUETOOTH  piston displacement of the engine cylinders in the path of the path of the piston defining the volume. It can burn the air - fuel mixture, when all cylinders, have fired ECU once.The is becoming the modern automobile, motorcycle, in theory, the volume of the central computer. Is responsible for the fuel injection and ignition machinery and equipment, including a host of normal operation.

When people think of the car's performance, they usually think of horsepower, torque, 0-60 acceleration. However, all generated by the piston engine power is useless if the driver can not control the car. This is why the automobileengineers turned his attention almost as long as the suspension system asthey have mastered the four-stroke internal combustion engine.

Car Suspension's job is to maximize the friction between the tire and the roadsurface to provide good handling and steering stability, to ensure that passengers thecomfort. In this article, we will explore Auto-Unlock MB Star C3 the car suspensionswork how they are after years of development and design of future isheaded in suspension

Xenon lights will increase the capacity of your Autel Maxidas DS708

Xenon lights are easy to install and provides luminosity and rhythm. They are available in online stores at the right Autel Maxidas DS708  discounts.Music there is no language or boundaries. You can find it in every element on earth. Even if your car engine roar! For car enthusiasts, just seeing flashing car was a happy experience, they will not lend their cars parked in any one distinct personality. If you also belong to the same species, and xenon headlamps are the things you should know. They can be a great addition to the existing in your car headlights and an elegant appeal.

Car companies spend a lot of time and effort in the design specifically for your car headlights. With all due respect, their efforts, headlights may fail, your passion, do it justice. You have to look beyond the normal headlights and explore ways to increase your car's appeal. You will not be disappointed  Software für die Fahrzeugdiagnose in your quest to a new generation of bright headlights several gadgets as your headlights appearance and improve performance.

So, what can you do to add a new zest for life, your headlights? Then, simply open the inert gas! Xenon Kit is the latest rage in the market, which will increase the performance of your existing headlight. These kits xenon lamp using natural rhythms to create a brilliant appearance of your headlights. These lights work around high-intensity discharge lamps (HID) technology, which filled with xenon bulbs fire up the chemical reaction, creating a steady stream of bright light concept. Xenon lights will fully match your existing headlight!

Create powerful, but security xenon lamp lighting for your car. Their other cars, and reduce glare, allowing you to drive safely. They are also good fog lights, keep your car from quite a long distance, even in the fog visible. These lights are easy to install and does not in any way disturb your existing headlight. You can choose from a wide range of colors, and power, this is the perfect choice for your car lights.

 HID xenon kit is now available  Renault CAN Clip   in online stores. These stores offer you a wide range of auto parts, also offers you exciting discounts. Therefore, continue to listen to your car headlights lighting and shiny music!


Rochester, New York Automobile ELM327 Dealers

Needless to say, second-hand cars in the automotive ELM327   market has a high demand for cheap provides the best performance and enticing buyers feel. However, a common problem, especially in the face of people now living in the United States, many of whom are accustomed to have something new, they eventually come to make ends meet. In their view, spend their own money, rather than saving and the way often makes them affordable new cars, houses and other things, some of them certainly not affordable.

The above facts clearly explain the main reason used cars rapid witnessed growing demand in the market to buy in large part by the car enthusiast. Today, buyers get a free trade old cars, even when buying new things is not wrong. Buy a new car, is not everyone's an affordable option, because it is often a need large sums of money, so they have an 
LKW Scanner  option to set their eyes on the use of vehicles, and get a lot of cars, second-hand car dealership providers.

In addition, if you consider the time it takes, money and effort, then you will be able to easily understand the quality of a great investment vehicle, irrespective of their age, certainly the best things to consider. Needless to say, shopping for a used car is definitely the busiest tasks that require information about your favorite models, so that some important information, you will be able to make appropriate choices. According to the buyer's transportation needs, financial situation, whether this is the first time to buy have played a crucial role.

Second-hand car dealers, ending too much choice, you will get a probability. However, only a small number of parameters to achieve the reliability and success offers a wonderful quality products. Rochester, New York car dealership is known to be a perfect choice for those people who are living in New York, and eager to buy a
Scania VCI    brand new or used car. It provides them with an excellent opportunity to explore a wide collection of used cars, and for their choices and have made appropriate choices.

Buffalo Honda car dealer is proud to provide renault can clip services

There are some brands, now offers to provide  renault can clip services to the automotive enthusiast by providing them with a lot of options. So, you need to effectively plan and select the best model, fully meet your needs, and meet several requirements.
Plans to buy a car is certainly the most exciting idea. However, it requires a lot of information, in an appropriate manner. In other words, you need to make full preparations before making their way to buy a car. Is important for you to be very clear in your favorite brand and model. As the automotive market is busy with the digital model and car buyers get a lot of choice. However, they are often faced with difficulties when it comes to choosing the most suitable option between the number of available options.
There are some brands, now offers to provide services to the automotive enthusiast by providing them with a lot of options. So, you need to effectively plan and select the best model, fully meet your needs, and meet several requirements. You can access
KFZ-OBD Diagnose Scanner  several web portals, collect relevant information, in order to make your work becomes smooth and convenient. You will be able to explore some of the latest and ask in the market. In addition, you will also be able to determine why this model has a huge demand in the market all the details.
Also, if you have decided your favorite car, then you certainly have done a great job, and will not encounter any problems while accessing the showrooms to buy their favorite cars. All you need to do is contact a reliable dealer to buy their favorite cars. Choose a reliable dealer is for all those who are quite anxious to buy their dream car to keep a great association. They will help you buy the best cars, and provide appropriate guidance to make your work very easy.
Known as Buffalo Honda dealer for their excellent work, comprehensive care full dedication service auto enthusiasts, let them find a great number of choices. They are mainly its reliable services that enable their customers work easier and allow them to choose the best option, in full compliance with their requirements and meet their budget is famous. The new Honda cars and used cars as a famous and most trusted 
OBD2 Scanner   seller, Buffalo Honda dealer gained years of experience, for the automotive enthusiast, and fully aware of their needs and, accordingly, their services.


Equipped with four-wheel drive OPEL OPCOM 2009 V recommended

Generation Forester is still used in multi-disc clutch center differential, providing active torque distribution function, OPEL OPCOM 2009 V  previous versions of the forest people quick to respond on this four-wheel drive system gives the left a deep impression. And the reliability of the system is high, a simple cross-axis test, basically did not give the new Forester cause any difficulty, but slightly more complicated, muddy forest roads also have a very good performance, but the new generation Forester models also added a X MODE mode , rear axle 25% more power, better on slippery gravel road and play a role.

From a design point of view, the introduction of a new generation Subaru Forester new family style and learn a lot from the Impreza, Legacy and XV design elements. Robust front have a new family-style grille, headlights sharper contours, external expansion of front and rear wheel arches and skirts prominent lines constitute the powerfully body. White Forester XT 2.0T Sport models of the front face is even more exaggerated, like being on both sides of the front bumper razor separated, the visual effect is more radical, violent, increasing chrome trim was raised by noble sense of luxury.

New Forester body size have been fully upgraded, vehicle length and breadth were 4595 * 1795 * 1695mm, respectively, compared with the current model adds 35mm, 15mm and 20mm. Wheelbase of course also Tech 2 Scanner  simultaneously improved, increased from the current model 2615mm 2640mm, interior passenger space becomes larger, large and flat luggage compartment capacity is also increased to 505 liters, fully capable of loading requirements on a long trip

Car interior gives neat, simple impression, but slightly dull a little. Subaru originally focused on the mechanical properties of the vehicle chassis and power performance while ignoring staff tactile feel, after the White Toyota, Subaru also begun to focus on the human aspects of the details of the upgrade. Simple black interior trim complemented by silver aluminum flu decorated. Air conditioning vent from the current model moved to the bottom of the central display above the center console at the top of the screen has been upgraded trip computer display screen size bigger, richer information display, it is also easier to read. Hollow design, with paddles three-spoke steering wheel and aluminum pedals touches the interior design of the few bright spots.

Power, the new Forester will provide horizontally opposed four-cylinder 2.0 l naturally aspirated and twin-turbocharged 2.0T two engines, the maximum output power of 146 hp and 276 hp, 2.0T 2.0L naturally aspirated engine power than we enhance nearly doubled! In addition, for the  Vetronix Tech 2 U.S. market and Europe and 2.5 liters displacement horizontally opposed four-cylinder gasoline engine, maximum power 173 horsepower and a 150-horsepower 2.0-liter diesel engine.

Large space midsize SUV Nissan Consult 3 Recommend

SUV booming in recent years reflects the lifestyle of our people for updating the pursuit of their demands for the car  Nissan Consult 3  is not just another means of transport of the machine, but to have more space and more features, SUV just to meet their these requirements. Both for the long-haul driving or whether it is a simple suburban outing, SUV are able to get more people and more abundant supplies along with, and also through sex than the sedan has inherent advantages

2014 Chevrolet Captiva still continues the current model's appearance, but with a new 18-inch Tiptop wheels, interior design style to add a wood trim, also equipped with a divided city blue light, part of the dermis Material also conducted a perforated design. Where the high vehicle is also equipped with automatic dual-zone climate control system and tire pressure monitoring systems. In addition, the rear also added ISOFIX child seat interface.

Power, the 2014 Chevrolet Captiva entire department is still equipped with a current model of the 2.4L naturally Ford Rotunda VCM  aspirated engine with 6-speed manual transmission to match. This engine which has the largest 123 kilowatts of power output, as well as 230 Nm of maximum torque. In addition, together with the Eco mode fuel economy, vehicle fuel economy has certainly improved.

Cash Copaci 7 seater cars accounted for more than 80%, in the compact SUV segment within seven thriving market segments is a veritable "7 king." The prices are more attractive full terminal to become "the only 7 200 000 cities SUV", with a space of absolute cost advantage. The 2014 models of the new upgrades, the power in the rich American-style SUV, based on the elements to inject more city car, which will further enhance this urban SUV's overall competitiveness.

Appearance, Beijing Shengda modern new front grille with the modern family hexagonal, unique square headlights, five petal-style wheels and dual exhaust pipes and other new high-end high-end design. Body length and breadth were 4690mm × 1880mm × 1680mm, wheelbase 2700mm. It can be said of the new Santa Fe SUV ix35 compact class sizes range Nissan Consult 3 Scanner from full-size SUV and between Veracruz and Toyota Highlander for the same level models. In addition, according to relevant sources, domestic new victory in the North is now the third plant.


Selling brand SUV market Vag Cables

Haval H6 prices low end of the promotional period in last year, the discount rate at 2,000 yuan. After entering 2013, Haval H6  Vag Cables   has been in a state car hard to find, not only failed to cash benefits, and in most parts of the country need to reserve car, car cycles over one month. As Haval H6 average monthly sales have been steady in the top two positions, is expected to continue in the near future will be cheap sales.

Haval H6 1.5T AWD assembly BorgWarner "TOD intelligent torque management system", the general situation, the vehicles performance of front-wheel drive. When the road conditions change, according to the torque transmitted to the rear wheels, in order to provide sufficient driving force. Since TOD intelligent four-wheel drive system can be selected according to road driving mode, so more fuel economy. The car Max power 110kW, peak  OBD2 Software torque of 210Nm, matching 6-speed manual transmission.

Jin Yue version listed BYD S6, the new 2.4L MT Luxury, 2.4L MT 2.4L MT elite and distinguished type three models. S6 Jin Yue version mainly in smart technology and driving pleasure aspects of the increase with the new model is equipped with smart watches keys, and adds BYD488QA +6 MT efficient dynamic combination. S6 Jin Yue Edition also optional dark interior, the overall maintained a high-profile, high-cost characteristics.

BYD S6 Jin Yue edition in appearance remained consistent with the old style, in addition to outside with the lowest 2.0L models, S6 is equipped with electric sunroof, automatic headlights and headlight height adjustable opening two functions but also the entire system standard. BYD S6 Jin Yue version is equipped with smart watches keys, owners wear a watch, not only can properly view the time, but also to achieve induction door sensor lock your car, keyless entry, a key to start the vehicle  Aoto Key  and other functions. Power, BYD S6 Jin Yue version of the new three new vehicles are equipped with 2.4L engine, maximum power 123kW, maximum torque of 234Nm, with a six-speed manual transmission.

Comparison shopping guide Charade N7 OBD2 competitive models

Charade N7 appearance, so that consumers feel the China FAW car imaginative. Charade N7 design quite avant-garde, "eight" OBD2  shape of the front face design with personality. According to professionals, Charade N7 likely with leading international sculptural design, become this year the most "type" mini SUV.

Changan CX20's overall design is also very dynamic, although a hatchback, it can be seen from the appearance of a very strong mini SUV's shadow.

Charade N7 in the interior design is very avant-garde, barrel-type instrument panel, sporty three-spoke steering wheel are remarkable, it is worth mentioning that, Charade N7 multifunction steering wheel design is very innovative, flat shape and silver Decorative trim adds a lot of sense of movement, for the 50,000 range of models, it has been equipped with a multifunction steering wheel is not easy. Changan CX20 interior, giving a feeling of Suzuki vehicles, detached domestic brands in the past impression. In terms of color, black and silver with young buyers also get a lot of favor.

Tianjin FAW has always been a top priority of the consumer safety car prices, which is in the Charade was handed down on the N7. Charade N7 has exceeded levels of security performance, including TPMS 
renault can clip  tire pressure warning system, BOS brake override system security configuration beyond the level of the car, Bosch 9.0 ABS + EBD, ISO-FIX child seat fixtures such as improving the active and passive safety protection. Changan CX20 is equipped with dual airbags, power and engine immobilizer, both have their advantages, but it seems Charade N7 superior.

As we all know, has always been to Tianjin FAW Xiali car fuel economy for its own models a big selling point. Charade Charade brand N7 natural continuation of this outstanding brand genes. Charade Charade N5 N7 is equipped with the same type CA4GA1 1.3L naturally aspirated engine, maximum power of 91 hp and maximum torque of 120Nm, with matching engine with 5-speed manual transmission. CA4GA1 high-performance engine for Charade N7 enhance the combustion efficiency of every drop of oil, 100 km fuel consumption of only 5.3L.

Changan CX20 is equipped with a 1.3L numbered JL474QL aluminum engine, maximum power of 86 horsepower, although dynamic performance without too many surprises to the consumer, the noise level
DS708 OBD 16   does not exceed its class, but still up and running smoothly. Compared with the Charade N7, a lot less fuel consumption performance, one hundred kilometers fuel consumption of 6.7L.


Sporty small car OBD2 Tools recommended

Changan Suzuki Swift in the shape of a strong movement style can be described as the fashion and sports the perfect blend. Full rounded body shape, the classic "four corners" design, filled with classical OBD2 Tools  atmosphere became flat roof Swift continuation of the classic, but with a large black honeycomb-shaped air intake grid, the center chrome Suzuki logo embedded in the sporty play the most. In addition, the car also features a blackened headlights and a new razor shape border fog lights, so that the entire front face looks more sharp, but also created a comparable car's drag coefficient 0.32. Rear and front of the car using the echoes of the same frame with a razor rear bumper styling, coupled with unilateral single out metal chrome tail pipes and unique personality of the rear window over the rear spoiler, just like a stadium "Little Cannon" posture. At the same time, the car also features a novelty five alloy wheels, matte handling with front rear color concepts complement each other, making the car look more holistic, but also more dynamic.
Changan Suzuki Swift is known as "the most fun to drive hatchback" in the title, using the front and rear asymmetrical tread design, front and rear track are 1470mm and 1480mm, wide track such models at the same level is still quite rare, wide track not only has a much wider grip, while ride comfort is also higher. The car used by the world's top events JWRC champion-level racing chassis, and with a strong European-style front McPherson independent suspension trailing arm plus semi-independent torsion beam rear suspension combination, tough adjustment makes Swift at high speed has excellent stability when cornering, dynamic. Swift is equipped with ABS + EBD Brake Assist, EBD ABS action in good balance before the effective ground each wheel grip, effectively prevent drift from happening.
Changan Suzuki Swift in power, well adhering to the old models feature high power and low consumption, are equipped with the M15A
Honda GNA600 für Verkauf  aluminum engine has won "China Heart" Ten Best Engines title, using the VVT ​​variable valve timing system, and mute timing chain technology, with the "high torque, high efficiency, low noise, low fuel consumption," which is the perfect balance between power performance and fuel economy. At 4000 rpm and 138 Nm of peak outbreak of torque, 4.9 seconds to complete the 0 ~ 60km / h speed, powerful sway of passion for the sport. Meanwhile, the car's fuel consumption of only one hundred kilometers isokinetic 5.3L, disdain for the same level of so called fuel-efficient fuel model.
Changan Ford Fiesta 2013 models in shape design is more radical than the older models, the front face of a good family heritage of Ford's new "big mouth" shape, although exaggerated, but more personalized, more dynamic. The new blade-style headlamps treatment at angles vary from sharp to the boxer, older models front grille below the two "eye teeth" has been removed, the whole "big mouth" is filled with chrome trim , look more ferocious. From the side, the new Fiesta cause extremely slanted waist dipped front pediment attitude, in addition to dive portray dynamic modeling. Integrated turn indicator lamps exterior mirror size is small, but the rear-view coverage is not small, but relatively backward tilt angle can play a role
Honda GNA600 Scanner in reducing wind resistance. The car tail shape is more compact, exaggerated tail is very eye-catching, high speed provides downforce to ensure the stability of the vehicle.